Chapter twenty-four

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Rain, was in her car driving back to Mystic falls, she had accompanied Oscar for a while looking for Julian's body but even with magic and locator spells it was hard to find him. Rain had gotten bored so she wanted to come home.

As Rain was driving through it she noticed a group of people in the centre, she parked her car up and walked over to there and noticed that it was the new deputies getting their badges. She scanned the crowed and noticed Nora, Mary Louise and Valarie chanting but before Rain did anything sprinklers went off and Rain sighed in relief thinking they were going to do much worse.

Rain's relief was short lived before fire began to surround every one lighting fire to everyone Rain vamp sped over to the new deputy's trying to heal them but they were already dead before she could heal them with her blood.

Screams of terror and anguish spread through the town as they ran away from the fire hoping that they don't get burnt. Rain looked around trying to see if there were anyone left but there were only burnt corpses and the rest of the people running for their lives.

Rain looked over to Nora and Mary Louise who were pain inflicting Caroline. Rain was going to go over and stop them but something in told her not to so she just watched until Lily came and saw the mess her children had made and demanded for them to stop.

Lily looked around in disgust at the many bodies and fire around them, anger bubbled inside her as everything she has worked to accomplish is being destroyed "I fought tirelessly to reunite us, found ways to coexist in this new world, sacrificed everything to make us a family again and I even invited someone new into our family" Lily spoke with so much angry as she walked passed her heretics and Rain "How dare you jeopardize that, all of you. The blood shed end now" Lily ordered and walks away not sparing them a glance.

They all the heretics follow Lily but Rain stands there for a moment and looks around at everything in sadness, this used to be her home but now, its just a reminder of everything she had lost.

Slowly Rain began to walk with the Heretics but Caroline called her name making her halt, the Heretics also stop to see what was going on.

"Rain, were you friends don't go with them stay with us please we need you." Caroline begged and all of a sudden anger boiled over in Rain, she sharply turned to Caroline who was seated on the ground and Matt and Stefan weren't to far behind her.

"Are you kidding me?" Rain laughs out in disbelief on what she's just said "You need me? I've needed you since the first time I got out of that stupid, miserable Prison World but where were you, where were any of yous" Rain asks pointing the question at all of them.

They remained silent but stared at her so she carried on "Caroline, where were you after I had the love of my life killed in front of my eyes" Rain took a deep breath "I know, I know Kai was bad and I know how horrible he was to you all but I loved him so much that being without him makes me want to kill myself" Rain voice broke as she croaked out these words.

"If it was the other way round I would be there for you other wise I'm the bad guy, right? What if it was that Klaus guy you fancied, you would be heart broken but even after all the horrible things i know he did to you all, you would comfort and mourn him" Rain felt a rush of pain in her heart as she continued.

"That's different Rain, he became our friend he-" Stefan tried to speak but Rain stopped him.

"You didn't even give Kai a chance, as soon as he came back from the prison world you decided that he should be isolated, killed or probably even worse because he killed a part of his family that neglected him and made him think he was an abomination to the world" Stefan looked to the ground "How is that any worse than you murdering your family, Stefan? how is that any worse than you going on a ripper bender every couple of decades"

"Because he feels guilt afterwards, he feels remorse, Rain. Kai didn't he didn't care for anyone but himself" Caroline cut in standing up.

"yes he did, he loved me and when he found people who were just like him, you should've seen the happiness on his face" Rain said tears falling down her eyes. "So no Caroline, you are not my friends not anymore"

Rain turned around to see the Heretics with smirks on their faces as they watched Rain walk towards them. Nora linked her arms around Rains and they walked back to where Lily was waiting in her car. Rain and beau took her car and followed Lily to the Salvatore boarding house.

"Pick a room there are plenty" Lily said with a smile on her face.

Dear Elena

You told me to write down everything that happen in my life, well today everything changed and I don't really know if it was for the best or for the worse, I have to admit what the Heretics did was not okay they killed innocent people and Matt's entire class which he did not deserve. But Caroline said to me today that they were "my friends" and they "need me" which i blew up because where were they when I needed them.

Elena, god, you were the only one who never really scolded me on who i chose to love maybe it was because of who you chose to love, Damon, But it made me feel happy because with you i wasn't judged by my love life.

Speaking of Damon I have officially cut all ties off with him and Bonnie and possibly everyone else, i mean it hurts, it all hurts because i lost the love of my life and best friends but now I'm exploring my life making new friends and I'm going to start exploring the world.

Rain stopped writing as she heard shouts coming from down stairs, Rain placed her note book on the bed and ran to the noise. Shock rushed through Rain as she saw Malcom's grey, veiny body in Lily's arms.

Rain put an hand on Lily's shoulder and pulled her away from Malcom and brought her up stairs into Damon's room and she gestured for Mary Lou and Nora to follow. Rain left Lily to Mary Lou and Nora as she ran back down stairs to see Valarie and Beau just staring at Malcom's body. Rain slowly and delicately picked his body up and carried him to the couch in the living room and laid him down with a blanket over him.

Rain turned to Val and Beau "Go to bed, get some sleep then, we can get revenge" Rain said and they nodded a retreated back to their rooms. Rain turned her head back to the body and let a few tears drop, she didn't know Malcom as well as she had hoped but she did bond with him.

"I'm so sorry" she whispered and then walked up stairs and went to bed hoping she could disappear into her bed sheets.

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