oh no you've been kidnapped by a total hunk!!! turns out ur parents sold you to him!!!! WHat will u ever do?? Luckily, handsome homosexual mens will come save you. But omg, the mens feel inlove with Matt Virgin, who is the mafias side chickk!!! rea...
my wifey and i leo d'caprio are on a date😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰
we met on on tinder thn we got married 2 weeks after i knew it was true love the moment i met him <33
i actually bit him the first time we met
we met becuase i thought he was a walking sasuage
This is what im wearing btw:
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i love my cruggs and leo loves it too
he saw my cruggs and we had to get married right away
my heart was broken after sans left me for boyfriend from fnf
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on our first date leo is taking me to gordon bamsays resuturant and old people home
he is so roantic and dreay and rich omg😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰
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i ordered reese beans and leo ordered the tangerine pasta they were both so good
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the bill was a few hundered thousand dollars but it was nothing compared to leo d'caprios richness
and then he got us a room at the old people retierment hoe 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰
we spend the night there and i bit him again opps
he was into it
leo was a mascosist(pronounced ma-schoke-sists)
hand on my ass
we hit the wipp and drove in his gold covert rolls rice car
so sexy! 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰
and then we got a call from ryan reynolds the mafia boss alpha wolf
he had sucsessfully captured y/n
he told us to cume to his weird building in the middle of nowhere
the kiddnapping building he called it
so suspicious of you ryann~~~~!
we got invited to a party by my ex sans undertale i dont like my ex but i still love partys
and then i fucked how he had a kid!!!!
and the kid was pregnant by noah my old classmate aka my hallway crush aand they had tripplet
a birth party 😍😍🥰😍🥰
we brought baby food
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the door opened and famous rapper and tiny man bf fnf comes through
he invited his wife to the birth party
and his wife started dropp bars about how ugly those babys were one has green hair, one blond and one white
bf and sans went outside and we could hear them argueing and accusing their child, matt of cheating on noah
just then Cosmo fairly odd parent busts open the door
WHOERES y my baby!!!!!! he rabbidly creased and u can see matts face turn pale, or it was the broken collartbone and blood loss.
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NOAH starts arguing with matt who ust broke his collatty boe and give birth to three massive ugly kids ( man babies) they were fully dressed and hairy too