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The boys and I watched as Doug set up a laser system in our livingroom.

"How come you never told me this place was haunted? Im your friend "Benny complained
just as Dougs cell phone started to ring.

"Boo! Scared ya" He greeted the person on the other end.

" Jerry,how's the best producer in the world?Hold on"He said before putting it on speakerphone.

" i'll let you guys listen in on some showbiz chatter"He said

" Makowski,the ratings on your last episode were like a disease. You're putting people to sleep!It's always ʻwhat a squeak that floor made' or ' oh man I hope that table didn't move'.Unless Scare Finder finds something this week you can kiss your joke of a show goodbye"He said before hanging up

"Your shows in trouble?But its-Its awesome.The last episode rocked"Ethan said

"It was weak"Doug said
"Its always weak,ive never even actually seen anything. This ghost grid, it's never found a ghost"He said turning off the lasers.

"Why'd he call you Makowski"Benny asked

"My real name's Doug Makowski.Falconhawk is made up"He told

Benny put his hands on his head out of shock.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

"oh,Rory's here with your biscotti"Ethan said awkwardly

Doug picked up one of his devices and turbed it on.

"Maybe that will get this party going"Doug added

"I need blood, help me"Sarah barged in

"Sarah,Dougs gonna see you "Ethan replied

"Oh no,im paralyzed by terror"She said walking furter into the house.

"What good is a camera that sees vampires when there's no vampires to see?Holy cow.A vampire"He said looking through his device.

"What? No its just a girl I know who just showed up to leave"Ethan said

"Oh give me a break"She said.

"Vampire,Vampire"Dough shouted leaving

"looks like I broke your hero,can you science me some new blood"She asked

"He saw you"Ethan said

"Yeah, and he really looked like he was gonna do something about it.That guy is a total poser"Sarah said.

An arrow came flying her way and hit the wall next to her.

"A real vampire,the haters on my vlog can eat it"He yelled chasing her out the front door.

"Sarah's in trouble"Ethan said

"Yeah,Doug is awesome"Benny said

Just then Rory appeared infront of us.

"The best thing I could do was a darnish. Did I miss anything"He asked

We went outside to check Dougs live-stream from his truck.

"This episode is gonna be awesome"Benny said

"This is bad"Ethan said

"Uh hey, lets not say things we can't take back"Rory said to him

"There's an audio feed"Benny said before clicking it.

"Okay Makowski,were going live with this but it better be resting gold.We're inturupting Biggest Bravest Babies "Jerry said

"This is huge Jerry .The worlds first televised vampire kill .This blood suckers dead,again "Doug said

"Guys,we have to do something"I said

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