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When we entered the kitchen she was crouched down on top of the counter.

"Okay,maybe I see what you're getting at"Benny said slightly taken back.

She sniffed the air then ran over to the refrigerator opening both doors.After looking around for a moment, she grabbed the chicken from the bottom shelf and started eating it.She threw her leftovers at us before going back to eat more.

"I've never seen a girl eat like that"Rory said

"Sarah why don-"Ethan started but was cut off when she started talking in a different language.

"Are you thinking what im thinking"My brother asked

"The ghost from the séance board took over Sarah's body"Rory asked

"I have to admit,she does look more fun"Benny said as Sarah finished up the wipped cream.

She threw the bottle at Benny then grabbed a chocolate cake off the counter.

"Oh no,not the cake"I started.She knocked chip bowl off the counter making room for the cake platter.

"Please please no,my mom just made that cake for her book club tomorrow.She researched recepies all week,please"My brother begged

Sarah pulled the cake appart with her hands and started to eat it.

"Y/n where's Sarah"Jane asked yelling down the stairs.

"We think she's posessed by a ghost from the Netherlands"Rory yelled back

"Rory"Ethan yelled

"Shes just,getting you guys a snack"I yelled back trying to cover for what was really going on.

"Be right up"Ethan said

"I have got to try that cake"Benny said walking around me and over to the cake.

"Benny"I said

"What?Its not like your mom can feed it to her book ladies now"He replied

Sarah flashed her fangs scaring Benny away from the platter.

"Okay,its your cake.I get it"Benny said backing away

"Sarah,Sarah?Are you in there "My brother asked trying to get her to look at him.

(Ethan would definatley be the pick me girl in a fight)

She said soemthing else in an unknown language before wooshing into the dining room.She picked up a trophy off the shelf.

"Stop,Stop"Ethan demanded
"Put down the trophy"He continued

"Dude its just a bowling trophy"Benny said

"No,Its the only trophy our dad has ever won,ever"I corrected.

She threw it to the ground earning a reaction from my brother.

"Okay,thats it this party is over.I comand you to go back to the board and wherever you came from "He said

She started walking towards us giving us a death stare.

" Big mistake,"Benny said before Sarah opened her mouth and released a windy air.

They boys screamed and Benny latched onto me.

She quickly wooshed away upstairs.We heard a loud scream as we neared the end of the stairs

"Jane"We all said in sync before rushing up the stairs.

"Jane"Ethan called

"Jane,are you okay"Benny called out

"Where are you"Rory asked as I opened her bedroom door.

GEEK[Benny x reader]Where stories live. Discover now