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I was standing at my locker when I saw Ethan and Benny round the corner to come talk to me.

"Hey we need to tell you something"My brother said out of breath from running.

"The camera Benny sold to Hannah for picture day is making negative twins?Yeah,Im aware"I said softly

They both looked at me confused.

"I ran into yours this morning"I said looking at Benny

"ugh,what did evil me do this time"He asked

"Don't worry about it"I said

"I'm gonna go find Sarah"Ethan said before walking away.

I looked passed Benny and over to a group of girls.

"What's wrong"He asked

"Evil you kinda told everyone that iʻve been messing around with a lot of guys,so none of the girls like me"I admitted

"Im sorry"Benny said

"Its not your fault"I reminded

"No, but I shouldnʻt have taken a picture with the camera,I could have prevented all of this"He said

"its fine,I just feel like everyone looking at me"I said

"You mean more then usual"He asked jokingly

I rolled my eyes.

I was suprised when Benny pulled me in for a hug.
I really needed one after the day I had, and the drama evil Benny caused.

"Its gonna be fine"He said before pulling away.

Ethan rushed back over pulling Sarah along with him.

"Were gonna find Hannah you find evil Benny"He said before walking by.

"you heard the man,lets go"Benny said

We split up and roamed the halls in search of evil Benny.After walking up and down the halls I couldnt find evil Benny or normal Benny.I saw Erica walking towards me.

"Have you seen Benny"I asked

"Nope"She said

"Ethan"I asked

"Hes in the Dark room with Hannah Price.Can you believe she's actually going for him"She said before rolling her eyes and walking away.

I rushed to the dark room and struggled to open the door.

"Erica said you guys were here,should I leave you two alone I asked "I asked teasingly

"No,Benny's twin has the camera,you have to go find him and stop him "Ethan replied

"No problem,I'll just find the sound of stupid,and the trail of toothpicks"I said looking at the ground before walking away

I followed the tooth pick trail that led to the boys bathroom.

"Your such a jerk"Benny yelled

"I know you are but what am I"The other one yelled

I walked in and saw evil Benny on the ground grabbing normal Benny's ankle.

"Times up"I said before kicking him.

He let go of the real Benny's ankle allowing him to flush the image down the toilet.Rainbow lights flashed as the photo was ruined by water damamge.The negative twin quickly dissapeared.

"Are you okay"I asked sympathetically

"I just flushed myself down the toilet,I think im gonna need some time"He joked

I laughed under my breath before the two of us walked out of the bathroom and started down the hall.

"that was hot"He said

"Oh god, don't tell me evil Benny actually rubbed off on you"I said

He laughed.

"I mean,the jacket was pretty cool"I said jokingly putting a strand of hair behind my face.

"Oh really should I get one"He asked in a non  serious tone

"Your not cool enough for that"I laughed back

We walked outside and saw my brother taking to Hannah.

"Wow,harsh."He said putting his hand on his heart pretending to be offended

We walked up to Ethan just as Hannah walked away.

"Let me guess, she has a boyfriend"I asked

"That rots dude,but atleast I got my camera back. That means grandma won't spank me"Benny said before paused

"With lightning"He added in a worried tone before walking away with the camers in-hand

"Girls are really confusing."Ethan said

"Yeah"I said
"Let me get this straight:They can be really nice and really mean at the same time and still like you, or they can just be really nice and not like you at all?"

"Pretty much"Sarah replied

"Ethan,dude evil Benny rented a go-kart"Benny said

"Im over it, later"Ethan said before following Benny.

"Your welcome"Sarah yelled after them

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