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Benny picked up the boardgame.
"Man she has got to loosen up"He said
"What do you say girls,up for a little supernatural action"He asked Benny and Rory.

They shrugged walking up stairs.
I watched as they placed the board game onto the coffee table and sat on the floor.

"You wanna play"Ethan asked me

"Im good"I said walking over to the stairs

"Come on we all know that you would much rather to this then play dress up"Benny said

"Fine"I agreed walking over to the boys and sitting on the floor next to them.

"Are the dish towels necessary "I asked

"Do you want this to work or not"Benny asked

"I'll take my chances"I said holding the one Benny gave me refusing to put it on.

"Okay,I did this at a sleepover once. Everybody,two fingers on their respective corners"Benny said

We each placed our fingers on one of the four corners.

"Now all we have to do its summon a spirit and ask it a question"Benny said

"Maybe Sarah was right.I don't think we should mess with this thing.We donʻt know who or what is out there either"Ethan said

"Look,were hanging out with vampires,we've taken down zombies.We pruned a haunted tree last month.Whatʻs a little voice from the beyond"Benny asked

"Point taken,but we're reading the rules first"My brother said

"Fine mom"Benny replied

Ethan grabbed the paper from the box and started to read it.

"'Rule number one:Never play alone."'He read
"'Rule numer two:Always finish your session by saying goodbye and waiting for the spirit to  leave the board." "Rule number three:Do not remove fingers from the board untill the spirits have been properly dismissed.Failure to do so can have catastropic rusults"'He read slowly

"Whoa...Catastrophic results "Benny said making fun of it while Rory oohed with jazz hands.

"Come on,this is serious."Ethan said

"What?Okay"Benny said

"'Rule number four:Never ask if there's anyone out there who wants to talk to you as such an open invitation tends to attract evil spirits.Got it" He asked finishing

"Sweet,alright I'll start"Benny said before each of us put our fingers on theboard.

"All right.Oh,great séance board!Are there any friendly,gentle,preferably hot-"He said which led to Rory giggling.
"spirits who would like to hang with us"He finished asking

The middle circle on the board flashed green and revealed the word 'Yes' in white writing.

"Yes!Sweet.Now what"Benny asked

"Ask it a question"I suggested

"Right.Uhh...are you a chick spirit?"He asked

The boys got excited when the circle flashed 'yes' once again.

"Oh,a chick,right on"Benny said excitedly before calming down to ask the next question.

"Will the world end in the year 2012 as the Mayans predicted?"He asked after clearing his throat.

The board flashed 'no'

"Oh,no darnit.We have to study for final exams"Benny complained

"is there intelligent life on other planets"Ethan asked

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