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Ethan Benny and I sat in the livingroom while we waited for Sarah to come over to Babysit Jane.We planned on watching a movie right after my parents left for the Senior prom.

"Come on honey shake a tail feather"My dad yelled up the stairs before the door bell rang.Jane rushed to the door and opened it to let Sarah in.

"Hey Sarah"She greeted
"Ethan your babysitters here"Jane continued yelling into the house.

"Hey guys"She greeted us

"Hi"Ethan remarked annoyed at Janes comment.

"Oh, look at you all dressed up for the senior prom,nice suit"She said to my dad

"Check out Miami Vice, stylish"Benny pointed at my dad.

"Freeze turkey"My dad said changing his voice to act like one of the characters from that TV show.

Benny held up both hands sarcastically.
"woah, look out"He said as we all laughed.

"Their mom thought it would be fun if we wear the same thing we wore ar our senior prom"My dad told

"I think it's really cool that you two are chaperoneing the senior citizens prom"Sarah said

"Oh,senior prom,I just got that"Benny said emphasizing the word ʻseniorʻ

The door quickly opened and Benny's grandma walked in.

"So,who's ready to party"She asked

"Grandma?You look-"Benny started

"Hot"My brother continued.

Benny turned his head towards my brother and shot him a weirded out look.

"Thank you sweetie"She said to my brother before changing her focas to Benny.
"You look a little supprised dear, can't a grandma get her groove on"She asked him

"I have no idea how to answer that"Benny said before we all turned our heads to the stairs when we heard my moms heels click against the hardwood floor.

"Okay,so what do you think"She asked us

We all shot her fake supportive faces as we admired her ugly teal dress.

"This is the exact same dress I wore for my senior prom"She told

"Its a little 1981 isn't it"Grandma asked

"Well yes,I know that's the... point"My mom said

"Mom"I said getting her attention
"I bet it looked great 30 years ago"I continued

"Yeah,Grandma could lend you something out of her closet"Benny sugested as Ethan and I nodded

"Okay,maybe I should change."She said before turning to walk up the stairs.

"Oh no,I don't want to miss the vote for prom queen.I'm the three to one favorite"Grandma said smiling. "Lets drop it like its hot"She continued walking to the door.

"Okay,its okay?"My mom asked nervously

"Yes,yes,Good night have fun,guys"My dad said following them out the door

We waved goodbye and watched as they closed the door behind them.

"Okay,Jacuzzi Time Machine starts in t-minus two minutes"Ethan told everyone.

"I'll get the drinks"Benny said walking into the kitchen

"I'll get the popcorn"Ethan said following him

"Can I stay up late tonight"Jane asked

"If you promise not to tell your parents were letting you watch Jacuzzi Time Machine"Sarah responded pointing her finger

"Deal"Jane replied before walking into the livingroom and dropping a throw pillow onto the ground before sitting on it.I sat down on one of the couchs and Benny plopped down next to Ethan in the other.

"Hey, thats my spot"Sarah yelled

"What?I Always sit next to Ethan on Movie night."Benny said

Sarah stared at him.

"Oh,I get it you two want to kanoodle"Benny said teasing

"No we don't"Sarah defended

"As if.Kanoodling is the absolute last thing I want to do"Ethan said confidently .

Sarah shot him an offended look.

"Well,you know not like the last this in the world"He said trying to save himself.

There was an awkward silence between the two.

"Alright"Benny said laughing awkwardly as he got up. "Y/ns more fun anyway"He mumbled sitting next to me.

We started to watch the show but we were inturupted by a loud bumping noise coming from the roof.The show cut out and we all groaned in disappointment.

"No,no no no no"Benny cried followed by a loud thud outside the window.

"I've really got to start working on my roof landings"Rory said hunchrd over in pain.

"Rory?"Ethan questioned

"Ugh"Benny complained

We ended up letting him in while we waited for the show to come back on.

"They just whirlpooled into the 80s.Their leg warmers are all wet,my favirote part is coming up"Benny said standing at the TV looking at the static on the screen.

"How do you know ?Its all static."Sarah said

"Cause were 92 minuets in."Benny said

"He knows this movie off my heart"I told her

"Thats really pathetic."She said

"Im so bored"Rory yelled laying on the island throwing a yellow ball up and down.

"Hey!If you hadnʻt knocked out the satellite dish,we'd all be enjoying Jacuzzi Time Macheine right now."Benny shouted

"Do you think Grandma's making out with her boyfriend right now"Jane asked

"Ugh,come on"Ethan said in disgust.

"Jane!"Sarah yelled

"Eww"Benny cringed.

"Don't you have some cards"Sarah asked

"Im sure we have some old board games downstairs"Ethan said

We went downstairs to check out the games.

"Okay,we've got Mathalot village"I said as Benny and I peered over one of the shelves.

"Too much math"He said before we walked over to annother shelf.

"Word strike"I asked

"Requires spelling,got anything in the nice non-educational flavor"He asked

"Oh!Check this out"Ethan said picking up a game.
"Spirit Speaker.Host a séance and make contact with the spirit world."'He read before blowing the dust off the top.

We all started coughing.

"Now were talking, lets meet up with some honeys from the other side"Benny said

"Whats a séance"Rory asked

"Like a ritual conducted to make contact with spirits"Ethan explained

"Dead spirits,those things give me the creeps.I thought they were banned from toy stores"Sarah said

"This one looks seriously old"I said

"I don't think we should mess around with it guys."Sarah said

"Whats the big deal?Its just a board game"Benny said

"Its what it represents that scares me."She replied

"Oh come on,just one little game?Unless your scared"Ethan said trying to trick her into playing.

"Yeah, im a chicken bock bock"She said holding her arms up like a chicken. "Jane and I are gonna play dress up"She turned to me "don't let them do anything stupid"She said before the two of them ran upstairs .

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