02 | Dear Blaise, I want you

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❦ Octavio ❦

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Shaking hands with a bouquet of roses, a rampaging heart that was beating so violently against my chest, and many unsaid words. That's all I had for her as I stood in front of the wooden staircase that led to a beautiful beach house.

It made sense why she picked the baby blue house as it sat right on top of the clearwater beach underneath. Gorgeous flowers were potted and placed around the front porch along with the staircase. A soft bronze colored fence blocked the way to the staircase and I knew I had been eyeing the hinge for way too long as my hand grew sore from holding the bouquet of flowers upright.

I unhinged the lock on the gate and started walking up the wooden stairs that had skitterings of sand from the beach, probably from the last time she had gone down to the waterside. As I approached the top porch, I knew she was here. The scent of roses and sandalwood carried its way through the wind to me and like everything else I learned about her, I knew this scent belonged to her perfume.

Her porch was decorated with a soft white colored couch with pastel colored throw pillows and I smiled knowing how much she liked overcrowding her space wherever she went. Blaise loved filling empty spaces with herself because just like everyone else, she had a hint herself how perfect she was at catching everyone's attention.

The windchimes hanging from the ceiling rang to make soft melodic sounds and the splashes of the water on the shore echoed along as I walked up right in front of the soft white door that looked aged from time.

I pulled out the letter I had written to her and would have left at the front door of her old house if I didn't know where she was. Dropping it right in front of her door, I rang the bell before hiding myself in the corner of her porch.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the door as I waited to get my first glimpse of her after six months. Six months of not looking at her with what I now know is love. Six months of not touching her. Six months of not hearing her fight me with those sharp words of her tongue that always get under my skin. Six months of not kissing those lips that always let out a sigh of relief when meeting mine. Six long painful months where I didn't get to apologize for being the worst asshole in the world.

The creak of the door caused a dip in my heart rate, as I held my breath to see her. As she would disappear as quickly as she would come, like a falling star that I don't want to miss wishing upon. A flowy green dress came peeking out as Blaise stepped out to see who it was.

And if I knew better, the glow on her tan skin sparkled even in the stormy weather as those colored eyes caught the letter dropped on her porch by me. But, it wasn't her that left me speechless. It was the bump filling her dress. As she slowly knelt down and grabbed the letter, I knew that these six months were way too long.

She was pregnant, looking more beautiful than she ever has with her curls naturally rebellious, dyed a perfect burgundy color. Her lips stretched in a pretty and delicate smile. Those eyes sparkling with something that wasn't there before. Blaise was happy and she was carrying my kid. A kid I had no idea how to feel about.

As she closed the door to the house again, I knew that I couldn't fuck this up. I couldn't mess up meeting her again. Not when she was running away from me with our baby in her womb.

I took a deep breath as I gathered the bouquet of roses in my hands and pulled myself in front of the white door again. Ringing the doorbell once again, I waited and gosh it felt like a long time. And as the door opened once again after a moment, her tear filled eyes met mine once again.

"Blaise." I say as she stood there looking at me.

"Octavio." She whispered back and I knew I had fallen again.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I know it's short and sweet but I also wanted to get the reaction from a more detailed chapter so the wait would be worth. Anyway happy belated Valentines Day, your girl is still single.

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J. Iris Grace

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