04 | Dear Blaise, I'll be your peter pan

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Love is complicated.

You know those moments when you were a kid and tried to do something as simple as getting on the other side of the monkey bars without your parents holding onto you? Or that moment when you finally learned how to ride your bike without the help of your training wheels balancing you.

You were proud, right? You had this obscene and copious amount of this radioactive happiness inside you because you managed to do something with the capability you already had and now was the moment you were able to gratitude it towards a bigger motive.

Well, now think about it this way. What if you didn't have a bike or those monkey bars, to begin with? You wouldn't have been able to know that you had the power to hold yourself across those bars or ride on a weird balance-seeking thing, right?

That's how I was when it came to Blaise. Until her, I didn't know I had it within myself to love something with such a deep feeling that it would hurt. I didn't know someone like me would be allowed the opportunity to care for someone other than himself and the four walls I had to keep around myself.

But, she did come. I did fall in love. She also fell in love. But, what I didn't do was allow that radioactive happiness inside me to spread throughout the very soul of me. Now, that wasn't because I didn't know what happiness was. It was simply because the kid that should have known his physical strength through the mere joy of monkey bars found it through the punching of his fists instead. The kid that should have known his balance through his razor blue bicycle learned it through the balancing of his father's addiction and her pregnant mother's tears.

So yes, my love turned into a deck of cards that were always meant to be gambled for the greater purpose and my hate became the dealing hand that always played my cards into bets that I would always lose. I learned that love was no different than the hate one has for their enemy. I mean they both get you killed at the end, don't they?

So, when she fell in love with me it was like having a hand full of spades at first until I finally realized she was never a part of the deck. But, instead, she was the one playing on the other side. She was my partner in crime, my other half. Blaise was that someone I would always lose to even with a hand full of cards.

And today as I sit at the beach behind her house, smelling the scent of her perfume in the salty ocean air, I've never been happier to lose.

"You're not allowed back here, you know?" I hear a voice say from the right side of me as I shift my gaze. A honey eyed girl greets me with her blonde pigtails bouncing as she skips toward me with a tiny jar of colorful shells.

"My apologies," I reply as she reaches me and tilts her head. Her big eyes access me for a long minute before her frown turns into the brightest smile I have seen in a long time.

"That's cute and all mister but you are still breaking the rules." She says as she points to the sign indicating the trespassing policy.

"Ah, I see," I mutter as I pretend to care about the fact I had trespassed onto the private part of the beach.

"Yeah sucks I know. It's seriously crazy how some of us are privileged to see the beautiful sunsets while the others of us are stuck to the view of the gutters in our affordable apartments," She mustered all that in one breathe while placing quotation on privileged. I couldn't help but smile at the snarky comments for a girl her age.

"You seem to be well equipped with the gutter views and the struggle of the lower class for someone who is privileged to be on the beach herself." I taunt back as she blows a stray piece of blonde hair from her face and gets pink from being caught in her lie.

"Umm well I'll tell you a secret if you promise that you will keep it."

My smile gets wider as hers dims in reluctance to my possible answer. I pretend to think about it for a few seconds before responding.

"Alright, sounds fair."

"Well sweet, I'm glad we can be friends Richard." She says as I raise my eyebrows in confusion.


"I don't know you look like you would be one to be named that." She responds with a shrug of her shoulders and plops down beside me with her jar of seashells.

"I see Tinkerbell." I taunt back with my own nickname to which she smiles brighter.

"Well, what's your secret?"

"Umm well, the thing is what is written on the board, kind of applies to me as well."

"How so?" I ask.

"Well you see, this Tinkerbell is kind of a trespasser in this wonderland as well." Upon hearing that I try my best to keep my laugh in but fail to do so. As soon as she sees me laugh, she had no problem on joining me on sharing a few laughs at the irony of her words.

"Guess we both are just rule breakers then, huh?"

"Yep." She answers back as she pops the 'p' in the word with a flick of her tongue.

"So, what's your scene, Richard? You also one with a gutter view from an affordable apartment or you just felt like joining the dark side today?"

"Nah just screwed things with the girl I love."

"Oh, that can't be good Richard."

"Yep, it definitely can't be."

"Well, have you tried the one-two-three method?"

"Umm the what method, kid?"

"Uhh, no wonder she hates you. You don't even know the basics." She says with a roll of her eyes as she starts playing with her blonde pigtails.

"So, you gonna tell me or what?" I ask impatiently.

"Nah I think you're past that from what you answered."

"Hmm maybe," I reply.

"Do you really love her?" She asks finally dropping her pigtail and looking me dead in the eye.

"Never knew I could love someone more," I answer truthfully while glancing at the baby blue house that was behind me.

"Well, then try to show it to her except sulking here with me. I doubt the ocean mermaids are going to give you any answers." I smile at her answer before turning my gaze back toward her.

"Aren't you a brutal one?"

"Nope just an honest one Richard, now do us a favor and get your shit together. One trespasser is enough on this property, don't need a lost lover to add in the mix."

"You're sweet on the ears for sure," I say sarcastically.

"No need to tell me something I already know Rich."

"Anywho, I have to head back home for supper but let me know how it goes tomorrow, okay?" She asks as she picks up her jar of shells and dusts her baby green dress.

"Maybe Tink." I say as she smiles at me before nodding and waving me goodbye.

I give her one last smile before she starts heading from the small corner she emerged from.

"The ocean mermaids are definitely not gonna give me the answers Tink."

"But, she's worth trying anything for." I said.


No, but seriously life is a roller coaster. I promise I'm fine though!

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J. Iris Grace

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