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The Rich Girl & Her Bodyguard

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The Rich Girl & Her Bodyguard

She had first told me she loved me at 11:20 as my fingers were busy getting soaked by her. Those pretty coloured eyes begged a man who couldn't love to love her just as hard. Her rosy flushed cheeks were painted by sad tears of her heartbreak when I so selfishly broke her apart. Those pillowy pink lips of hers spilled moans, like secrets meant just for me. I stared into those pink eyes glisten like shattered glass. I left her behind only to find out I loved Blaise Inocencio.

He broke his promise to me at 11:58, the same hour I had told him that I loved him. I looked into those violent green eyes and let him break my heart into pieces because it was only his to break. Now when he stands at my doorstep with a bouquet of violets, I could only hope I don't end up breaking his in return because the love that I once had for him was the one thing that had caused me to leave to begin with.


His tattooed fingers came glistening out of my cunt as his other hand flattened on my swollen belly.

"Fuck, I love seeing you carry my kid." I grabbed his fingers and brought them back to my wet cunt.

"You're getting distracted." I moaned as he slowly stretched me around his fingers again, the sounds of how wet I was noticeably there.

"Don't be greedy, I know your pussy wants to be fed with my cock more than my fingers."


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All rights are reserved. This story may not be copied, recreated, or translated in any form or shape. None of the images used throughout the story may be used without author's prior notice. Please remember any of the work created on my account if copied will be taken legal action against. If any work is found on this platform that belongs to me legally and is illegally copied please let me know on my author email



First thing is first, I'm not your parent or guardian so I have no right to forbid you from continuing reading even if you aren't 18+.

This story contains very explicit & mature language which includes swearing and sexual frames. This story will be heavily induced with sex, violence, swearing, kinks, role play, sensitive topics, and dark romance.

reade-er /'rēder/
(n.) a person who reads or who is fond of reading.

All of you are readers which you could see the definition of on the top. Which means that you are here to read and read only. I would not tolerate any negative comments and/or negative activity. All positive outputs are more than welcome. I appreciate each and every one of you but I would not want to create a toxic community here.



Hi, my name is Jazmine Iris Grace. I'm a high school student who enjoys writing. Most of us authors on this platform don't get paid or are in any type of legal contract. This means that we write for our readers and for us. Please be feel good contact me with any concerns or even if you want to leave a quick message to me. I'm not the fastest when it comes to replying but I always try to.



author instagram | erotica_iris_grace
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy LETTERS TO BLAISE just as much as I loved writing it onto this platform. This book will forever hold a special place in my heart along with the characters. Chapters will be coming soon!


J. Iris Grace

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LETTERS TO BLAISE | 18+Where stories live. Discover now