09 | Dear Blaise, Thank You.

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❦Blaise❦The next morning I woke up alone and no longer on the couch but instead on my bed with my sheets pulled over me

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The next morning I woke up alone and no longer on the couch but instead on my bed with my sheets pulled over me.

I slowly pulled myself up against the headboard before carefully listening to see if I had mistaken being alone but when I heard nothing but the waves of the ocean hitting the beach shore, I knew he had left.

I don't know why but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. And the part where I wasn't disappointed at him but at myself instead said all there was to be said. I made a mistake last night. A mistake I had promised myself I wouldn't make.

I had let him creep back under the skin even when I knew what had happened last time. Even though I had barely survived it last time and here I was yet again playing with fire, hoping that this time it wouldn't burn me. I guess some habits do die hard.

"Stupid stupid stupid." I cursed into the empty bedroom as tears threatened to spill down my face all over again.

"Stupid hormones." I continued to curse as I peeled away my sheets and headed into the connected bathroom.

Seeing myself in the mirror after last night, I felt myself groan internally. I was growing more agitated by the minute and I could do nothing but aggressively grab onto the cold bathroom counter, hoping it would help me gain some sense of composure.

The baby fluttered in my belly as if reminding me how bad I was falling apart within mere minutes of waking up. "I know I know, mommy is a mess." I whispered sadly before gently caressing my baby bump.

"What's going on?" I almost slipped on my bath mat from how quickly I turned towards the entrance. Two strong hands quickly grabbed onto me before my back met the hard tiled floor, which no doubt would've been a painful experience.

"Jesus Blaise."

"Are you okay?" I worked on catching my breath before finally pulling his hands away from me and stepping aside.

Looking back at him, I once again held onto the cold granite top for support. "I thought you had left." Not a question but a statement because that's what I expected from him. Octavio didn't stick around for an uncomfortable conversation if he didn't want to. At least that's how the old Octavio was.

"Uh yeah I did but it was to just grab some groceries from down the road. There was nothing in the fridge this morning for you to eat." Whatever I had thought was not at all close to what he said. Nothing close at all.

Having nothing to say I nodded and turned around to put my hair up in the mirror with the elastic sitting on the counter.

"Blaise." He said just as I finished putting my hair in a bun.

"Yeah?" I answered, still facing the mirror and not him. Anywhere was better than facing him at the moment.

"Nevermind nothing." He answered with a sigh before turning around and leaving the bathroom. And I instantly felt like shit and followed him into the kitchen where he had started to put away the groceries into the fridge.

"What were you going to say?"

He didn't bother looking up at me and just continued to put away what looked like nectarines into the fridge. "Octavio?" I added when he didn't say anything.

"Nothing Blaise, just drop it please."

"I got eggs and bread if you want toast." He added just as I moved closer to the kitchen counter where he had placed all the grocery bags.

"Octavio, breakfast can wait. I want you to tell me what's going on?"

His hands flattened onto the kitchen granite after dropping the bag of avocados back in the grocery store bag and his head dropped down. He stood there for what seemed forever before he lifted his head just enough for me to see his eyes and everything in them. He was hurting.

"Are you ever going to let me in again?" He asked.

This time I didn't say anything and stood there, crinkling my nightdress in my hands. Mouth suddenly closed shut just as everything went blank in my head.

"Blaise...are you ever going to let me in again?" He repeated the question. When I didn't answer once again, he shook his head with a sad smile and turned to putting the groceries into the fridge again.

Seconds passed by. Maybe minutes before I felt words falling out of my mouth. "It's not that I don't want to."

He stopped in front of the open fridge but didn't turn around this time. He just waited for me to continue.

"I...I'm just scared Ocatvio." I spoke truthfully as tears rushed into my eyes. Stupid hormones. Stupid stupid hormones.

"I'm scared that you won't choose me again...and I know. I know this time I won't survive." I whispered brokenly as the tears slipped down my face before falling onto my nightdress.

I heard the fridge door close and before I could pull my eyes off the tiles under my feet, he was standing in front of me. His hands reached out and cupped my face from both sides as his thumbs wiped away my tears.

"Look at me." He asked and I slowly lifted my eyes up to meet his.

"I messed this up."

"I messed us up," He corrected.

"But I also have to say that if you don't let me fix what I have broken then you'll never know."

"I'm not saying I won't make mistakes in the future because god I know I am so fucken stupid at times. But the thing is Blaise, I made the mistake of letting you go once and believe me when I say this... I wouldn't be able to live if I made it again."

A hiccuped cry choked its way out of my throat as more tears trickled down my face. This time he leaned over and kissed each of them away before leaning his head against mine.

"I want you to forgive me. I want it more than anything. But I want you to give it to me whenever you are ready to give it."

"In the meantime all I need you to give me is some grace. I want you to allow me to show you how fucken sorry I am. Let me work for it baby. Let me give it my all."

I sighed against his lips as I ran over his words in my head. I relaxed towards him before nodding my head. One of his hands slowly fell to my bump where our baby was fluttering away.

"Thank you." He said before softly pecking my lips and gently pulling away after a final stroke on my bump.

"Sit down, I'll make you breakfast." He added with a smile on his face and without even knowing I had one on my face as well.

"Breakfast sounds perfect." It all sounded perfect and maybe just maybe it all will come out to be.


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J. Iris Grace

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