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A beautiful empire rested in the continent of Asia.
It's name was Japan, and over half was ruled over by the empiral family.

The Empiral family had a trait that would forever remain in their bloodline, their powerful presence.

It was causes by their power, it was called a Quirk.
Typically everyone had a quirk, only 20% of the world's population didn't so it was typically rare to be born without one.
Especially for those in the Empiral family.

The Empire had a king and queen.

The King had a name that was known by even neighboring kingdoms in different territories.

Though no one really knew his real name, they all referred to him by the name All might.

The Empiral queen had a name known by everyone, it was her real name.
Inko Midoriya.

She was greatly respected by everyone around for her kindness and how she carried herself. She had the confidence and charisma of a true queen, and that's what everyone loved.

Inko had 2 Sons.
The eldest, Izuku Midoriya, who was known as the first crown prince.
The youngest, Katsuki Midoriya, who was known as the second crown prince.
The 2 only had a 10 month age gap, so they were always around the same age.

Izuku was much kinder than his younger brother who had earned the name Gremlin of the empire within a year of being introduced to the public.

While the Empiral family looked to be all sunshine and rainbows, the actual truth of the matter was....
Quite dark.

"He truly is your son, his presence speaks for itself...
The issue is, His quirk is one of a kind...

From what I'm able to diagnose, it hasn't met the requirements to be able to be used at all.
And until those requirements are met, the quirk will remain dormant within his system.

And because it is dormant, I can't figure out what it exactly is"
The Empiral doctor, a doctor who had been specifically assigned to the Empiral family, explained.

"And what exactly are those requirements...?!"
All might yelled in annoyance as he stared at his own son as if he had been the disappointment of the family.

"...they're unknown.
It's impossible to figure it out..."

"Tsk, and what about Katsuki?!"

"His quirk is quite powerful, as expected.
He has the quirk of explosions, he can release mass explosions however he likes."

This is much better news...

I suppose you won't be losing your job. Leave."

Ever since the news of Izuku's quirk had been revealed, he was ignored.
While it was true he was the direct Heir of the throne when the time were to come, it seemed like that had changed upon the news of Katsuki.

One for all, it was a power cultivated throughout generations. It was made to be passed down as the Empiral family lineage progressed.

Whoever were to take the throne would rightfully inherit the power along with a sword. The sword could directly take in the power and expell it however the user would like.

"Katsuki has an amazing quirk."
All might gloated as he guided his sons to Inko.

"Oh? What is it?" She asked, curious.

He can produce mass fire explosions from his hands"
All might grinned as he patted his spiky hair.

"That is amazing!
And what about Izuku?"
She asked as she stared at her tearful son.

"...his quirk is "dormant" according to the doctor.
It won't activate until the proper requirements are met and we don't even know what they are.

It's basically useless."
All might hissed as he glared at him.

"...oh... I see."

A bit of annoyance struck Inko's heart as she stared at him, how could someone due to inherit the throne have a power that wouldn't work...?

Poor izuku was only 4 when he felt the disappointment of his parents because of something he couldn't control.

As he grew up with Katsuki, the favoritism was plain obvious.

While Izuku did have a large luxurious room, in comparison to Katsuki's it was just average.

Katsuki was spoiled rotten as he grew up with Izuku, even though they both had the same parents...

Izuku wasn't even allowed to behave as he wanted...

Stop!? Is this how the future king of the country behaves!? Go practice your sword fighting, since that quirk of yours is so useless you'll have to take up a different method of defending the country!"
Inko hissed as she shoved him down to the ground.

Her "kindness" was only a facade for the public, just her reputation and image.
At her true core, she was a rotten apple.

"I'm sorry mother"
Izuku quickly stood up as he ran off to his training ground to practice sword fighting.

He was only 6.

It was a tradition for the family to pick up sword fighting as soon as the child could hold a sword for the first time.
Izuku wasn't allowed to be weak so he had to learn from a young age to train and power through.

Katsuki also had to learn everything izuku had to learn, it was a requirement.
Though, Katsuki had fun with it.

While he didn't enjoy the amount of books he had to memorize, he did enjoy the sword fighting he got to go through with Izuku.

As they were young, the 2 of them didn't exactly have the worst relationship.
They didn't understand how things were, and how things would change when they got older...

They both knew about how the throning selecti worked, whoever was the eldest would rightfully inherit the throne.

It was their duty.

Whoever fell beneath would serve as 2nd commander of the Empiral army.


As they did grow older, Katsuki found himself unable to accept that truth.
He didn't want to be in 2nd place...

He wanted to be in first...

He couldn't find it fair, not in the slightest.

He was stronger, smarter, and overall better than Izuku...
Or at least he thought so...

So why would Izuku be the one to take the throne and not him?

(Hey everyone!!

This is just the little introduction chapter so you can understand how somethings work.

If you have any questions,(since this is a first time I'm writing this kind of story and it may be quite confusing) feel free to ask!)

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