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"I'll know when it's time"
Izuku thought to himself as he told his assistant to get Dabi.

Dabi shortly arrived after some time, purely confused.

"What'd ya need?"
Dabi asked.

"The former queen's name.
Let me explain.

I find it impossible to believe there aren't any records of her name anywhere around here.

So I'm giving you permission to search through the entire castle.
You can look through absolutely everything.

I just need you to find the queen's name so I can begin asking around to find her.

Can you do that?"
Izuku asked.

"I can search through the entire castle...?"

"Yes the entire castle"

"The entire castle...?"


"Without any repercussion?"

"Without any repercussion."

"Just to find the name of the queen?"


"Hm I'll do it.
Under 2 conditions"

"What are the conditions?"

"If I find something cool, can I keep it?"

"Only 1 cool thing.
But it also depends on the importance of the object.
It likely won't effect me but yes, you get to keep 1 cool thing.
Only 1."

"Perfect, and for my second condition.
Could you let me off knight duties?"

"I can allow that.
But you have to devote your time to searching then"

"Hell yeah.
Do I have a due date?"

"I'd prefer if you could finish before the coronation ceremony, but if you can't find her name before then it's fine.
There isn't any urgency around it."

"I'll try."
Dabi said.

"Alright, then go begin."

Dabi quickly walked out, "I'll start from the very top floor and go down from there"
Ideas on how to find the queen's name were already flooding his head as excitement pumped through his veins.

"And now to continue work..."


Dabi spent 12 days searching perilously, yet he couldn't find anything on the queen's name.
There were only a few rooms he had yet to check.

Instead of finding the queens name he found some other things of interest.

Like a really cool looking bow and arrow, an amazing sword, cool knight battle gear, and a lot more.

He decided to keep the bow and arrow above all things as he found out he could imbue his quirk into the arrows and shoot fire arrows.

The day of the coronation was in 3 days.

Everyone was tense, there wasn't a single person in all of the empire and kingdom that wasn't.

Izuku had to set out to the empire a day prior so he was already preparing his things.

He couldn't just charge in without his stuff.

"After I take over the empire, I'm going to be living in the main palace.
So I have to take everything necessary here I ee there with me.

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