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Izuku woke up from the perfect night sleep, it was the best sleep he had received in a long time which was strange to him.

When he swiveled his body to get out of bed, he found a bouquet beside him.
It was a combination of lavender and forget me nots.

He couldn't figure out who sent them or how he even got them to begin with. There wasn't even a note on the bouquet, no notice of a sender.

He ignored it as it wasn't the first time he's ever received a bouquet of flowers at random, it had only ever been the first time he found it beside him in bed.

He placed the bouquet by his window seel and got dressed for the day.

It was quite early in the morning, he wouldn't have to arrive to the institute for another 2 hours.
Which meant he only had an hour to do what he needed to do.

And so, Izuku quickly got ready and headed out to begin an early investigation.

Aizawa was, of course, with him.

"What're you writing?"
Aizawa asked as he stared at how puzzled Izuku looked.

"I'm writing down notes on this area and what the typical habits of the people are.
There's a red eyed child diagonal from me 20 feet away.
They've yet to be kidnapped which is perfect.

I'm also trying to see if I can find any possible slave markets in the area"
Izuku replied from beneath his hood.

"Hm I see.
But how are you going to pick up on people's habits from a glance at that they're currently doing for just a day?"

"I'm writing down predictions, I'll continue with them until I've figured out what their solid habits are.

However I hope to have already found the slave market and bandits before then.

Writing down what I'm predicting might help in the future, you never know who amongst this crowd might be a villain"
Izuku replied.

They were investigating quite close to the institute. on foot, it was a 30 minute walk.

"Good point."

After the surveying of the area, they continued on the carriage all the way to UA.

"Okay class.
It's time we elect a class ruler.

Let me explain what the class ruler's dutys are and what requirements have to be met in order to become one.

You have to be mature. Whoever is the ruler must know when to take action when required and stay calm cool and collected during needed times.

Good grades.

Somebody trust worthy.

Whoever becomes the ruler will be given tasks to handle, sometimes they go into after school tasks.

You do NOT have to be royalty.

You must report everything back to me at the end of the day when given a task.

That is all.

Now if you want to be the ruler, raise your hand"
Aizawa stated.

Izuku glanced around the room, many people had their hands up including his brother.
Personally, he already had too many tasks at hand to decide to take in another.

Looks like we'll have to settle this with a voting system.

Everyone pull out a note card and writing utensils.

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