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"So would you like to stay after school with me and get extra swords training?"
Aizawa asked.

Izuku stared at him a bit surprised, Aizawa really was the only person who would stick by his side until the end.

A weak smile formed as izuku replied, "that would be nice..."
His eyes stung just a bit, life was just too difficult... And it was the small moments that showed there was someone out there that really cared that really made Izuku the tinyist bit happier.

Silence followed afterwards. Izuku shut his eyes and leaned his head on the window, it was a long day...

"He didn't even get any royal guards or anything...

The emperor is out to kill him at this point. He's his son... Why???

I need to find more information... It just doesn't make sense at this point.

I can be his guard.
Considering I'm the best swords fighter in this empire... No one could do a better job than me.


Guess I'm his guard now too"


Izuku thanked Aizawa for the carriage ride and walked over to the main palace.

When he arrived, he found his mother patiently waiting.

"Hello mother" izuku greeted as he yawned, he had ended up falling asleep in the carriage for a good while.

"Hello Izuku. I apologize for not being able to send you a carriage, your father insisted on only sending 1 and having you share with Katsuki.

Obviously I can tell that didn't go well.

How did you arrive home so fast?" She asked as she stood up from the couch she had been seated on.

"Aizawa sensei allowed me to ride in a carriage with him."

"I see that's good.
Could you come with me?"
She asked.

"Of course, what do you need?"

"Well, you're going to be emperor so you need to be more involved in the justice system now.
I need you to be involved first hand.

I'll explain the situation when we arrive at my study."
Inko walked down the long corridors with Izuku, they engaged in small talk until they arrived.

Izuku sat down across from her desk as inko say in the main chair.

She pulled out a file and showed it to Izuku.
"Recently there's been a spike in child kidnapping.
We believe the kids are being sold off to the underground slave market where they're then sold off to buyers.

All the buyers are people from noble families, the kids are expensive so they're the only ones actually able to afford them.

I want you to track down who the kidnapper is, find the location of the slave market, and take them all down.

In this file there are already a bunch of clues that have been gathered around by royal guards I sent on this task. There's information from the parents of the missing kids, how we know they're being sold off, what group might be behind it, etc.

You think you can do it?"
Inko asked as she closed the file and handed it over to Izuku.

"... probably...?"

Because even though you might not ever be this involved as an emperor, being involved now let's you get experience in the field. It'll help you when trying to make decisions because you have an idea of what exactly is going on"
Inko explained.

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