Chapter 1

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The last diner that Cole Cassidy had been at had served coffee that tasted like boiled dirt. This diner, the Rusty Railway, served coffee that fared no better. Tasted like coal this time. Maybe it was just how coffee tasted in the area, after all, the Rusty Railway was only 20 miles from Bellerae. Or maybe it was just rotten luck. If this keeps up, I may have to lay off coffee, Cassidy thought, grimacing at the taste of the liquid coal, or coffee, whatever it was. Or maybe this is actually coal. The Rusty Railway wasn't the most upkept diner in town, evidence of that shown in the grimy windows and creaky chairs, but Cassidy had his reasons for choosing this particular establishment. For one, this diner was out of the way, close enough to Bellerae that Cassidy could do some looking around, but far enough away that he could keep out of trouble with the authorities. Mostly. A name change and a beard won't do much for people who really knew what he looked like. Two, all the other diners fell too close to Deadlock Gorge for his liking. Especially after the hell he raised there months ago, the gang that took up residence there would be out for his blood. Best to do things all quiet-like, and keep a low profile. That's something Cassidy had gotten quite good at after years on the run.

Cassidy shifted in his seat, resulting in more creaks, before grabbing his fork to slice into his warm apple pie. Hopefully, this dump of a diner didn't manage to ruin something as simple as apple pie. Unlikely. That's when he felt cold steel press into the back of his head, along with the unmistakable click of a gun being chambered. "Thought you didn't have the guts to show your face 'round here, 'specially after what happened last time." Cassidy didn't have to turn around to know who that voice belonged to. Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe. Gang Leader, crack marksman, and possibly the person who hated Cassidy the most on the planet. Which was pretty impressive to do, given how many Talon operatives would line up to take that prize.

"Last I checked, you didn't own Bellerae, just Deadlock Gorge."

"Well, you ain't keepin' up with the times. I run this town, and everythin' 'round it."

"Funny. I never took you for one to run for mayor." Cassidy quipped. Not the best situation to be making snide comments, but old habits die hard.

"You know damn well what I mean, McCree." snapped Ashe, poking his head with her coach gun, "What'd you do with my bike?" Cassidy let slip a chuckle.

"You still mad about that? I spent as much time as you did building that thing, I say I have as much of a claim over it as you."

"I bought the parts for that bike, in case you forgot, so it's my property! Best to give it back before I blow you to kingdom come."

"Don't worry," Cassidy said calmly, "I left it in a safe place. No reason for me to go and sell it, where it can get back into your hands." He could feel the anger in Ashe rising to a boiling point. If he played this right, it would work to his advantage. But only if he played this right.

"Alright McCree, stand up nice and slow," Ashe ordered, moving off to his left side, "Much as I'd like to send you on your way to the next life, I'd rather have you rot behind bars like I did. There's a sweet reward on your head too, so I may as well get rich while gettin' my revenge."

Cassidy slowly got out of his chair, his every movement watched by Ashe's red eyes. She looked the same as she always did; a white collar shirt with a red tie. Black vest and coat embroidered with the Deadlock Rebels symbol, her shirt sleeves rolled up to her elbows, revealing a rose tattoo on her left arm. A slim figure with a face that should've been on a magazine instead of wanted posters. "Before you send me off to visit the sheriff," Cassidy said, eyeing the coach gun inches from his face, "I do have to ask a question."

"Shut up and keep walking, lowlife," Ashe snarled, gesturing with her gun towards the door, "Don't make me ask twice."

"Why do you have a picture of us, on your bike?"

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