Chapter 5

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The remainder of the ride was uneventful, besides the fact that Cassidy almost hit a few bunnies that decided to wait until the last moment before running right in front of his bike. Could bunnies commit suicide? After all, there was nothing out here but dead shrubs and dust, so Cassidy couldn't blame them for trying.

The moon had just begun its ascent into the night sky by the time that Cassidy and Ashe pulled into the entrance of Deadlock Gorge. The hideout looked the same as it did months ago minus the fact that the wrecked train had clearly been salvaged and moved. The cowboy pulled up next to a small tavern with light spilling out of the window. Hopefully, the inhabitants therein would be more focused on their drinks to notice him outside. They'd be more likely to shoot first and ask questions later, despite the obvious fact that he and Ashe were traveling together and hadn't killed each other yet.

"I guess this is where we part ways," Cassidy said over his shoulder, turning off the bike and dismounting.

"I guess it is," Ashe replied, grabbing her rifle from behind the bike. Cassidy held out a hand to help Ashe get off the bike, which she ignored, easily sliding off the hovercraft. She brushed out her coat and straightened her hat, looking over at the tavern. Raucous laughter and loud music could be heard from it, and the shadows of people moving around interrupted the steady glow of the windows. She turned back to him, looking like she wanted to say something, but before she could-

"Ashe? Oh, thank God that you're back!"

The door to the tavern had opened, revealing the shadowed outline of a woman standing in the doorway. She quickly walked outside, revealing a slim, dark-haired figure, wearing a standard Deadlock leather vest and jeans.

"What took you so long? Where have you been?!" Her attention was solely on Ashe, though she was bound to notice Cassidy soon.

"It's fine Gianna, I just ran into some trouble," Ashe said, rolling her eyes.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble? With who?" Gianna became alert to Cassidy's presence, her hazel eyes snapping to him. "Trouble with him?" She started reaching for the handgun resting on her hip. Ashe gave her an exasperated sigh.

"Honestly Gianna, do you think he'd be here with me if he was the cause of it? Well, the main cause of it?" She walked over to Gianna and poked her in the shoulder. "If he were, he'd be dead and he ain't dead now, is he?"

"I guess not," Gianna answered, moving her hand off her weapon and folding her arms. "So, why's he here? I thought you swore you'd put a bullet in him the next time you saw him."

"He helped me get out of the trouble we were in, and that's all you need to know. Now mind your own business!" Ashe snapped, pushing past her towards the bar.

"Ashe, while you were gone, we had a problem, a big problem," Gianna said, turning toward Ashe's retreating figure.

"What problem?" Ashe asked, still walking towards the bar.

"Well...the Diamondbacks... they paid us a visit."

Ashe stopped dead in her tracks. She whipped around, her eyes boring into Gianna. "What?!"

"They were here a few hours ago."

"Oh, and you just let them waltz on in? What were y'all doin'?"

"You don't understand Ashe!" Gianna said, nervously tugging at her ponytail, "We didn't even know they were here until we found Alex and Zach unconscious. When they came to, they told us what happened."

"They were guarding the stash today right?" Ashe inquired, angrily looking into the distance. Gianna nodded. "Did the Diamondbacks take anything?"

The girl paled, nervously looking at Ashe. "That's the problem, they um... they took the uh..." Gianna stopped, shooting a distrustful glare at Cassidy.

"Just spit it out Gianna, we're wasting time!"

"They took it, Ashe. They took The Western Sunrise."

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