Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own INUYASHA.

Inuyasha's POV

Kagome was sleeping soundly on my chest, snoring softly. I can't believe I got her back from the other world. I thank Kami for this moment. Now I can start a family like I always wanted with her. My hands ran through her silky raven hair, combing through it perfectly as I smelled her sweet, strawberries with jasmine scented hair.

I felt my eyes trying to close. I knew that this time I'll fall asleep with a smile on my face.

The Next Day

I felt the bright, hot gaze on my face when I woke up. I wanted to sleep with Kagome more. I pulled on something soft closer to me and realized it was just sheets. I opened my eyes---looking at nothing.

My nose smelled her alluring scent, with another delicious smell downstairs. I put on my pants and went downstairs. She was in my red top, over the fireplace, cooking. I loved the sight of her. She was here. Going to be my wife. The mother of my pups. She is mine and only mine.

"Hey, Inuyasha. Want breakfast?" She smiled at me. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her, "You know I do."

She blushed as I nuzzled my nose on her neck.

After my time with Kagome at breakfast, I had to go to work. The village looked very peaceful today. The children were having their lessons at school and the villagers were either cleaning, working, or resting.

"Inuyasha! Over here!"

I looked over my shoulder to see Kaede waving her hands at me while walking over to me. I smiled. Evertytime I see her, I think of old memories.

"What is it, old hag?" I teased. She rolled her eyes.

"Inuyasha. Ye still the same, no?"

"Of course. You're going to be stuck with that name forever."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Ye seem different. " I looked at her confused, entering the hut.

"What do you mean?" She didn't answer, but smiled.

"I'm happy for ye."

I just smirked showing my pointy tooth.

I bet I did look happy. Now, I can call Kagome my wife. I can't wait to start making babbies with her. I smirked at the thoughts that's running through my mind.

"Inuyasha!" Kaede screamed, breaking me out my thoughts.

"Ow. What old hag?!?" I rubbed the spot on my head, where she wacked me with a stick.

"You need to get to work. Off you go now." I rolled my eyes at her. I waved my goodbyes and went to work.

2 Hours Later

"Inuyasha, you certainly did a good job today." I wiped my sweaty bare chest with a towel.

We just finished exorcising a demon together for an exchange of food and coins.

"Well of course. I'm Inuyasha after all."

Miroku shook his head and smiled.

"Still the same, Inuyasha huh?" He asks.

"Yup. And I'm not changing."

Why does everyone keep saying that?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" A loud scream was heard all out through the village.

I looked in the village, where the scream came from.

"What was that?" Miroku asked.


Kaede was running towards us with a panicked look. I did not like it.

"Whats wrong?" She was out of breath, holding her chest.

"Inuyasha. I-It's Kagome."

I froze.

A/N: Uh oh! What happened to our dear Kagome?

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