Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

WARNING: This chapter has major fluff in it. At least I think so, but just giving you a heads up.

Kagome's POV

The hot, bubbly water, swished around my body, making me sigh in delight. The steam was making me sweat, but in a good way. I can feel it on my forehead and in the back of my neck. I missed this hot spring so much. It's just so relaxing. It was my favorite part being in the Feudal Era. Relaxing after a hard day of searching for the jewel shards. Those were the days... But I'm also glad that it's over.

I wonder where Inuyasha is? He said he wanted to join me. Maybe he got nervous and thought that it was a personal thing and decided it was too much for him to handle.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace in the woods of birds chirping in the sweet smell of nature. I was far away from nosy villagers. But I'm at risk of being in danger. I don't know what's in these woods. It could be anything. Okay, calm down Kagome. Now I'm scaring myself.

"I hope I'm not to late," Inuyasha's husky voice said out of nowhere.

I shivered from the tone of his voice.

This man makes me feel so attracted to him. I heard a growl, coming from him. I know for a fact, he smelled my arousal. My back was turned away from him, not daring to look back anyway. I probably was red as blood.

Then I felt arms wrapped around myou waist, taking me away from my thoughts. His breath was near my ear. Then he rubbed my arms up and down.

This feels so nice.

"Kagome, my Kagome," he whispered in my ear.

"You are the best thing that happened to me."

I could feel his toned abs against my back and something hard as a rock. Is that his...

My eyes widened in realization.

Oh, no.

But Inuyasha didn't seem to mind. The wind blowed against our skin gently causing us to shutter fron the breeze.

I then smiled of us like this.

"You are the best thing that happened to me, too," I said, hugging him to my back.

We then enjoyed each other's company in silence. Washing each other up and also a extremely hot make out session...

Inuyasha and me were walking back to our hut, hair damped, clothes a little bit wet, and holding hands.

"Kagome, I have to talk to you about something really important."

I stopped and looked at him. "What is it?"

I hope it's not what I think it is. Inuyasha sighed, while running his hands through his hair.

"Kagome. I'm scared for you and myself. I don't want to hurt you." He looked at anything, but me.

"What are you talking about? You're not gonna hurt me." He shook his head.

"Kagome, on our wedding night, I don't want hurt to you when we make love. I will turn into a full demon which means he would want you to submit to him no matter what. I want that night to be perfect because you deserve the best."

I went straight up to him, grabbed his face, and kissed him with all I had. My lips molded perfectly with his. His lips were just like heaven. I didn't want to stop, but we have to breath.

"Inuyasha, I love you. I love you with all my heart. I would die for you," I said, breathing heavily.

"I know youright full-demon self wouldn't hurt me on purpose. I know that because I'm your mate."

And with that said, he kissed me again.

"I love you, too. But I can't take the risk," He said, cupping my cheek.

"His blood red eyes would look deep into tour soul. Long claws would rip into your presious soft skin. And the part I fear the most is....his deep, eternal, yearning lust for you."

Inuyasha's golden eyes had fear in them as they said that.

And you know what?

I'm scared because he never showed fear. And that must be a bad thing if InuYasha is scared.

A/N: My last update for the night. I want to know do you agree with InuYasha? Comment your thoughts.

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