Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own INUYASHA. I wish I did, but I don't.

Kagome's POV

"When I see this man in a few minutes, he's gonna wish to see the next daylights again," I said, my left eye twitching and a vein probably popping out of my forehead as I clench my fists at my sides.

"Kagome," Sango said, cautious about coming bear me. "You know he's just protecting you right?"

I turned around with my left eye still twitching. "Sango. I specifically told him. I am safe, you don't have to worry or follow me," I repeated the words I said this morning.

Sango and Kaede bursted out laughing. I looked at them like they have lost their minds.


"Your-your face," Sango stuttered, holding her stomach.

"I don't know why you two think this is funny because I'm not laughing," I said, very serious.

They kept laughing at me. Then after awhile I started to laugh too.

When I finished having my laugh I asked Myoga, "Did Inuyasha put you up to this?"

He shook his head yes. "But only because you are his future wife and I also care about you," he spoke up with truth in his words.

"Awww, Myoga. You're starting to make me feel bad," I pouted.

I guess my reaction is kind of crazy and over dramatic. But I'm still gonna get Inuyasha for this.

Inuyasha's POV

I heard Kagome's loud yell calling my name and I know what that means. I'm screwed.

I just wanted Myoga to do the job, since he is a small little flee. And I figured he wouldn't get caught because of his size. But I was wrong.

Note to self: never trust Myoga with a spying job again.

"INUYASHA!" Kagome's voice yelled, as she bursted through our door.

"Hey, Kags. What are you doing here early," I nervously said, looking around like I was hiding something.

She ran and tackled me to the floor. She sat on top of me with a pissed look on her face while I just stared at her above me.

"Inuyasha, please don't Kags me. You know what you did and I'm really mad at you."

"Kagome," I sighed. "I told you I'm trying to protect you. You're my mate and I have really strong feelings of protection because of my demon. You know that," I told her with softness in my voice.

Her face turned mad to slightly happy.

"I know, I know. I've heard this from you hundreds of times."

She kissed my cheek. "But it's cute. You're cute."

I growled. "I'm not cute. I'm sexy and manly."

"Of course you are," she purred.

"You're such a tease," I smirked.

She laughed and I smiled.

What is she doing to me?

A/N: What are your thoughts? Comment & Vote!

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