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(This won't be chat fic style because of contents, the next chapter will be back to the normal texting style)

Celest walked through the crowded halls of the school; people were actually there now, so she couldn't just zip through the halls. Not like she cared. It gave her more time to plan her responses to the questions. Just give half-lies and truths and they won't know the difference, Celest thought coming upon Nezu's door. For a weird mouse, rat, dog bear thing, he sure had big things. Probably so that way all the others could sit there normally.

Celest rapped her knuckles along the cold door and stepped back waiting until she was called in. Taking one last deep breath to calm her nerves, Celest walked into the room. Inside were Nezu, some dude in a trench coat, Midnight, and a skinny All Might. Taking a quick glance around the room, noting all the electronics, cameras, possible weapons, and possible escape routes she sat down in the chair.

"Well, let's get this over with so I can throw people out of windows," Celest said leaning against her hand looking lazily over at the trenchcoat dude. It was safe to say the others in the room sweatdropped at her indifference to the situation.

"Alright then, I'm Naomasa Tsukauchi. I'm just gonna ask you a few questions, and then you can go."

"Alright works for me."

"Okay, first question; did you tell anybody about USJ?"

"No, I didn't speak to anybody about USJ," Naomasa nodded slightly.

"Next, was anybody in your class acting suspiciously?"

"If you count throwing one's self into danger yes if you don't then no."

"Third, what was your day like leading up to this?"

"Well I was chilling in the chatroom waiting to see if anything funny would happen, nothing did, so then I was in class as normal. Aizawa came in, said something about the trip, we put on our hero costumes and then went to USJ."

"After you received the information about USJ what did you do?"

"Well, I left school and went over to the café down a few blocks to talk to this really cute girl. Her dad own's the café actually, I go every morning. When I was there I was chatting with some of my friends. Once I finished and left I went home."

"Alright that is all, you may go to class. Don't want to be late, Aizawa doesn't seem like the type to tolerate tardiness."

"Alright, thank you," Celest said, standing up and bowing before leaving the room.

"Well? I'm guessing because you let her leave she wasn't the traitor?"

"Correct, her first answer seemed odd but with everything else being the truth there's nothing against her," Naomasa said.

"Odd?" All Might asked.

"It wasn't a lie, but yet it felt rehearsed but again, she told the truth on everything so I don't think she's our traitor."

Across the school by the door for class 1-A, a blue-haired girl smiled as she heard her name be cleared of being the traitor. Oh was this fun, maybe she'll stay longer just to mess with the teachers. Who knows, all Celest knows is that this will be the best school year she's had.

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