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(Villain's time written as a normal story instead of a chat fic cause I don't know what I'm doing anymore! Yay! Anyway apologies for the long wait I had finals😓 so I hope you enjoyed the last two chapters for the days I missed and this one for today. Enjoy!)

"What do you MEAN? I just want to VIBE!" Celeste yelled as she was dragged outside by Toga to go to the mall.

"It'll be FUN Shimi! We get to have team bonding!" Toga giggled as the two clambered into the back of Twice's pink jeep. Don't ask. Nobody knows why he choose pink but he did and it's the only car they have so oh well.

"Hold on to your asses cause I have nothing to live for and I DRIVE LIKE IT!" Twice shouted the last bit before flooring the car as they exited the parking lot and began speeding towards the mall.



"I SURE HOPE IT DOES!" Twice laughed as they started speeding through the construction area. Nobody recommended this form of travel but seeing as it was their only way to get from point a to b without a portal, they took it. One thing you should note, though, is that Twice probably shouldn't have ever gotten a license and they still theorize as to how he got one. God, they were all turning into Shoto Todoroki and only one was actually related to the guy.

Toga was laughing in shotgun as Twice sped through the lanes, she definitely had something going on but she was chill and they weren't the government so who were they to complain. Dabi was clutching onto Shigaraki who clung to him for dear LIFE. Despite being the leader, not even he could stand, or well sit, Twice's driving skills. Dabi also probably had motion sickness so ya know, that definitely aided the experience of the ride. And then there was Shimizu Celestial. The hacker who at the moment wanted to punt somebody out of the driver's seat so they all didn't die or get arrested. Cause both would suck ass.

Finally arriving at the mall in one piece in record time, the group split up leaving Celeste to get her shit on her own. So much for team bonding. Anyway, after going and raiding hot topic for pins and shirts and necklaces Celeste met her friends back at the car to ditch cause the likely hood of heroes being notified was actually quite high so they clambered back into the death machine and buckled up for the wild ride that approached them.

Once again Twice started speeding off because when you're a villain the first thing you want to do is obviously get a pink jeep and ignore every single stop sign, red light, and speed limit posted unless it would cause danger to the driver. Though sometimes even then they get ignored and that's when things get REALLY interesting.

So now here they were, a group of villains wanted for multiple murders, speeding down the highway in a pink jeep singing along to Hamilton when guess what happens, a police chase. Sounds fun, I know, but it's not. Cause you gotta speed, even more, throw your own lives at risk, and try and get away from the people that could immediately end-all of your plans of world domination. Or just overthrowing the government but ya know what close enough.

So they speed over off the road get away from the cops finally and end up back home. Or well the bar. They end up back at a bar as they house multiple underage villains. Again, these guys are NOT smart. Celeste, absolutely done with people for the day retreats to her room to throw shit in a corner and lay face down on her pillow.

And then an alarm goes off, signifying it was all a dream. Though the bag of newly bought hot topic merchandise seems to argue a different story.

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