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(A/N: This won't be the hero's chat but instead the villains, but it furthers whatever plot I have soo reading will probably help, but if you don't want to read it feel free to skip)

Burnt Bitch: How did the attack go?

Hand Kink: All Might didn't show up until the end and saved the fucking day

Lock: Hey, he said that he was going to be there

Mom: One of the students got away and informed the hero's

Lock: That was probably Tenya Iida

Blood Rat: Was the green-haired boy there?

Lock: Yup

Doppel Ganger: What was his name again?

Lock: Izuku Midoriya, everybody calls him Deku though

Blood Rat: Oooh! I want to make him bleed, he'd look so cute!

Big Sis: If all goes to plan, you will be able to soon

Shooty: Why is there a fire?

Burnt Bitch: Who knows at this point

Hand Kink: Stop setting shit on fire

Burnt Bitch: It wasn't me this time!

Shooty: It was Twice

Mom: What did he do?

Doppel Ganger: I saw a cool video where they made tinfoil smooth by putting it in the microwave!

Mom: I'm coming over right now. Nobody enters the kitchen until I put out the fire

Dad: I just got on, and I find my children are burning down the house

Hand Kink: Oi T I'm going to your room

Burnt Bitch: Fine by me

*Hand Kink has logged off*

Blood Rat: I bet they are going to fuck

Doppel Ganger: Yeah they are. No they aren't

Mom: Fire is out. The only people allowed in the kitchen are Dabi, me, Compress, and Magne. The rest of you are banned for a month

Shooty: Why am I banned?

Mom: You started shooting people with your Nerf gun as you sat on top of the fridge

Shooty: Oh, that makes sense

Blood Rat: Why me?

Dad: You put blood in everything and making it inedible for the rest of us

Blood Rat: But blood is good!

Mom: No arguing. If you keep at it, the ban extends another week

Blood Rat: Okay...

Burnt Bitch: Ten jysr rikked ib rio ifd mwe

Big Sis: What?

Lock: "Ten just rolled on top of me"

Doppel Ganger: How did you just do that? I totally knew that

*Blood Rat has logged off*

Shooty: Why did I just see Toga run towards Dabi's room?

Mom: Shit!

*Mom has logged off*

Dad: Must be bad if it's got Kurogiri swearing

Big Sis: I'm making cookies. Want to help Celest?

Lock: Fuck yeah!

*Big Sis has logged off*

*Lock has logged off*

Shooty: I'm going to watch!

Dad: Don't steal too much cookie dough

*Shooty has logged off*

Doppel Ganger: Im finding Toga! No I'm not

*Doppel Ganger has logged off*

Burnt Bitch: Helo me okease. This adorabvke creature is deooling jaall ober me

Dad: I can't figure out what you are saying Dabi

*Burnt Bitch has logged off*

*Dad has logged off*


Lock: Toga stop screaming it's four in the morning

Blood Rat: But I just saw the cutest thing ever!

Doppel Ganger: Show me! I don't want to see it

*Blood Rat has sent one picture*

Lock: Aight you're off the hook this time because that's adorable

Blood Rat: (^///^)

Shooty: Why is there a picture of Dabi and Shigaraki on here?

Blood Rat: Because they aren't trying to kill us and look soft

Doppel Ganger: Yeah!

Shooty: I'm not going to be here when they inevitably try and kill you guys

Lock: Same, I got school and unless they want to blow my cover they can't do shit

Mom: Please refrain from swearing in the chat

Lock: Fuck

Shooty: Shit

Doppel Ganger: Bitch

Blood Rat: Mother Fucker

Burnt Bitch: Endeavor

Dad: Did you just use Endeavors name as a swear word?

Burnt Bitch: Yeah he is literal garbage

Big Sis: We could roast him, but Kurogiri said we weren't supposed to burn trash

Dad: I give up

Mom: We can't leave though, last time they left they nearly burnt down the base

Dad: True

Lock: Guys I'm walking through U.A halls quit making me want to burst out laughing

Dad: Why are you there so early?

Lock: I made all the teachers different alcoholic drinks but since only six have seen what I look like so far I have to come in early to give them slightly poisoned alcohol

Mom: Stay safe

Lock: 👍

*Lock has logged off*

Big Sis: Somebody help keep Shigaraki in place he saw the photo and is trying to kill Toga

*Burnt Bitch has logged off*

*Big Sis has logged off*

*Shooty has logged off*

*Mom has logged off*

*Dad has logged off*

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