(Year 2) Chapter 14

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The wind blows my hair back off of my face. As I grab the red fruit from the branch, I take a quick bite from a different apple. Since I'm small, Mrs. Leah Walker, the orchard owner, pays me to pick the apples. However, she doesn't know about me eating her apples.

I use the money she gives me to get food to store in my room. Ms. Peters doesn't really feed me all that often, so, this is how I get by.

Leah's POV

I watch the small witch take another secretive bite of the honeycrisp. Thinking back, I remember the young girl alone on the platform. I, of course, was seeing off my niece, who was a sixth year at Hogwarts. Instead of mentioning it, I allow her to take a few apples home with her. Maybe she can make an apple pie back at the lovely orphanage down the road.

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