I wake up and go downstairs only to be greeted by a hard blow to the stomach, which meant Ms. Peters was in a bad mood. I scamper upstairs and into the arms of Joey. He had always been my emotional comfort, while Ero cheered me up. They calm me down and I go to my room. In there, I cry again. Nobody wants me. I'm an orphan. I'm a girl in a home for boys. I'm only 9 and I'm rejected the most. It's my birthday, and the worst day of the year.
Soon, a book slides under the door.
Harry Potter and the Philosipher"s Stone
Every year since then, I get a new one, and now, I'm a part of the story. Now, I'm friends with the characters. I can help them on their adventures. I am living my wildest dreams.
Of course I don't tell them all of that. I tell them that I'm an orphan and I live in a boy's home. I really don't know why I'm there, but I am. We're quiet for a while and then we walk back to the castle with Ginny, Luna, and Colin hugging me tightly.
"Guys, you really don't have to <Gasp for air> DO THIS!"
They didn't let go.
Happy New Years Eve!!!!!!! -Kik