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REQUESTED BY: VoidicMaster
A/n: I am so sorry! I thought I did this request, but it slipped my mind.

*reader p.o.v.* 

I can't believe I let them die... it's all my fault. I am part of the Lower Moon. I was supposed to protect my fellow peers. Mukago specifically. Mukago was often scared of fighting with demon slayers. And for some reason I took it upon myself to protect her. 

But even I failed at doing that. 

It was supposed to be easy. Just a normal scouting for information and maybe kill a couple of humans along the way.  
Mukago could be be pretty careless when killing humans. She doesn't care who the human is, she is killing them.

Me, on the other hand, only killed specific types of humans. 

I don't know what happened really. All I know was that I was gathering information. My best guess is that Mukago was killing humans. Word of that got to the demon slayers and some lower rank demon slayers were sent to investigate. 

When I heard Mukago scream, I ran straight towards that direction. I was too late though. Her head was already rolling on the ground, her body starting to disintegrate. 

The demon slayers eyes met mine, and they readied their sword to attack me. But they were too slow. I was able to activate my blood demon art before they even got too close to me. 

After I finished my mission I went to my room in the infinity castle. 
I know, I get my own room. 

Muzan liked having me closer to him for some reason. I was always a bit confused as to why because if he wanted to summon me, he could just tell Nakime to summon me and I would be there in a split second.

Let's get back to my current situation. 
I could feel the panic start to set in my stomach. 

I just know that Muzan is going to be furious about the outcome of our mission. I let one of the lower demons die. I am for sure going to die. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to get hurt. However, I knew I made a big mistake so the punishment should surely be death. And knowing Muzan it would be painful.

Next thing I knew, tears were flowing down my (s/c) skin. I couldn't control them. They started cascading down my face like a waterfall, and my breathing started to get heavy. 

I remember these... panic attacks. I had them quite often when I was human.

"(y/n)". I froze up hearing the familiar voice calling my name. 

My back was facing him, so he couldn't exactly see my tears. So I quickly wiped them away, hoping he wouldn't see me crying. That would only make me seem weak to his eyes. I tried to control my breathing but it was hard to do. 

"Yes... Master." I muttered, not facing him.

"(y/n), face me." He says and I silently curse to myself. I turn myself around, still keeping my head facing the ground. 

"Tell me how the mission went." He says and just like that, I feel my panic attack start again. 
My breathing started to get heavy, I could feel my heart palpating. My words were stuck in my throat. I didn't want to tell him. I don't want to get hurt.

The next thing I know I could see his nice leather shoes in my vision. One of his hands was on my upper arm, and his other hand reached for my chin. Forcing me to look up at him. 

Muzan's eyes widen looking at me. 
"Slow down, (y/n). Take a deep breath." 

I do what he says... because why wouldn't I listen to him? 

"I'm so sorry Master, I deserve to die." I say as some tears start to trickle down my face.
"Did you find some information?" 

I nodded my head, "Yes... but I let Mukago die. One of your lower rank demons are now gone..." I whisper. 

"I do not care." His words cause me to look up at him surprised. 
He could sense my confusion, so he continued. "I do not care that she died. She was weak anyway. Scared to fight any demon slayers. She was bound to die anyway with that mindset." 
"It was my job to protect her though... and I failed. I am a failure." 

"I don't ever want to hear those words come out of your mouth again." He sternly says causing my eyes to widen and my heart to stop beating. He was mad, I just knew it. I look back down at the ground. 
"I'm sorry M-"
"You are not a failure." 

"I'm sorry?" 
Now I was confused.

"Stop saying you're sorry. There is no reason to be sorry."

I felt his hand on my chin, forcing me to look into his ruby eyes. 

"Now, tell me why you think you are failure." 

I took a shaky breath, "When I was a human... they always called me a failure." 
Muzan's eyes furrowed, "who?" 
"My parents.... if I did one thing wrong, I would get severely beaten." I let out a bitter laugh as I remembered a memory.

"I remember one time I was cleaning the kitchen and I forgot to clean out the ashes in the oven. When my dad came home, he was so furious. He took me outside, along with the ashes, and dumped them on me. After that he smacked me in the face. He called me a worthless failure... just because I forgot to take out the ashes. There was another time that I tripped in the house, and my mother got so mad for no reason. She kicked me repeatedly until my ribs broke and locked me in room. She said something along the lines that I was an embarrassment." 

I was suddenly pulled into an embrace. My eyes widen when I realized that I was in Muzan's arms. He was hugging me... 

"You are not a failure." 

I stopped talking, not wanting to anger him. It felt strange though. I never seen Muzan give affection to anyone. Why was this any different? 

It felt nice though... Hands being used to give affection instead of harm. Strange, but nice.

I slowly wrapped my arms around him, leaning my head into his chest. In response, he hugged me tighter, but not too tight. 

"You are very dear to (y/n), do you understand?" 
I just nod my head. 
"Good." He whispers still holding me in his embrace. I don't know how long this will last, but I will enjoy every second of it. 

"What happened to your parents?" He asks out of nowhere. 
"Oh... I ate them. They were my first meal after you turned me." 
I felt Muzan smile slightly, "good." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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