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You already felt like he was your friend when you first met him, but you realized he was a true friend on a night you weren't feeling well. 

You thought the three boys were asleep, so you sat on the ground just looking up at the stars, peacefully until you heard Tanjiro's voice. 

"Can't sleep?" You heard Tanjiro's voice from behind you. 
"No, the stars look pretty tonight." You answer. 

You felt Tanjiro sit right next to you, looking up at the stars as well. 

"Hey (y/n)?"
"You never told me why you became a demon." Tanjiro says causing you to tense up. 
Tanjiro noticed this and put a hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up unwanted memories. You don't have to tell me." 

You look at him, and he held the kindest look. 

You give him a small smile, you couldn't help it, whenever you looked at him -no matter the situation- you had to smile at him. 

"It's fine. Um, when I was young, a demon came into our house. My parents hid me while they were killed and eaten. Luckily, the demon didn't find me. After that, I trained so one day I can find that demon and kill it myself." You say, looking back up at the sky. 

You didn't want to look at his face. You didn't want to see his reaction, knowing if you did you would break out crying. 
You felt his hand on your shoulder, making you look at him. He was giving you a soft smile, what surprised you was that he wasn't holding a look of pity. But a look of understanding. 

"My family was also eaten by demons, and my sister was turned into a demon. I'm here for you if you ever need some one to lean on." He says and you couldn't help but to wrap your arms around him. 

"Thank you." You whisper and he wraps his arms around your waist as well. 
"Any time." 


"Are you strong?" You heard Inosuke ask you. 
Your eyebrows raised hearing the random question the Inosuke just popped out of nowhere. 

"I would say that I'm pretty strong..." 
"Fight me!" 

Your eyes widen at his words. 

"You want me... to fight you?" 
"Yeah! Fight me!" He exclaims huffing through his boar mask. 

You chuckled shaking your head, "fine. I'll fight you, only because I consider you my friend." 

Inosuke froze in his spot, hearing your words. 

"Yeah, you know what that means, right?"

Inosuke scoffs, "of course I do! The great Inosuke knows everything!"
"Ha, right. Says the boy who doesn't know how to read and write." 

"Huh?! What'd you say?!" 
"You heard me." You say tossing him two wooden swords, "now. Don't hold back." 

Inosuke grinned form underneath his mask, glad that you considered him a friend.


Giyu had made an effort to make sure to visit you at your garden. He really did enjoy seeing the plants you had and your company. All though, he didn't show it. He knew that you didn't have many people talking to you and with the constant teasing of the insect pillar of nobody liking him- he just felt better when he was with you. 

"Ah, Giyu. I wasn't expecting you today. I thought you had a mission today?" He hears your voice. 

He turns around seeing you in your normal uniform and your (f/c) haori on. 
Giyu nods at you, "no. It got cancelled. Sorry if I'm bothering you." 

You smiled brightly at him, "no of course not. I'm always happy to have a friend over." You say and Giyu's eyes widen slightly. 

"You consider me a friend?"
"Mhm, of course!" 

Giyu sighs as he he follows you through your estate. He was happy. Happy that he finally had someone to consider him a friend. 

"Thank you... I... consider you my friend as well." Giyu quietly says, but you caught on what he said. 


You often spent a lot of time in the common gardens by yourself. You really didn't want to stay at the butterfly estate garden mostly due to the fact you had two boys there that would bother you non-stop. 

"(y/n)." you heard a familiar voice say. 
You turn around seeing Muichiro. 

"Ah, you remembered my name." You happily say sending him a smile. 

He just hums in response standing by you. 

"You're out here a lot." 
You sigh getting a headache just thinking about those two loud boys, "yes. It's away from Inosuke and Zenitsu." 

Muichiro eyebrows furrow hearing those two names, not knowing who they were. 
"You can always come to my estate. We can have tea as well" He softly says, his offer shocking you. 


He only nods and you slightly squeal. 

"Thank you! You're the best friend ever." You happily say. 
Muichiro's eyes widen hearing your words. 

He couldn't remember the last time when he had someone to call a friend.. well in all fairness he couldn't remember a lot of things. 
When he looked down to your happy face he couldn't help but feel a slight blush cover his face. 

"O-of course." 


You were currently unpacking your stuff in your new small place when you heard some one knock on the door. 
You groan slowly getting up to answer the door. 

When you answered the door, your eyes widen seeing the very familiar man that you avoided a few days prior. 


His red eyes boring down at you, sending shivers down your spine. You knew exactly what he was, he was the same thing as you were.

A demon. 

It was the only explanation that you were looking at your old friend from thousands of years ago. 

"Is that really you (y/n)?" He asks. 
You were too shocked to say anything back, you only nodded. 

"Y-yeah I-... It's" You could barely spit out a whole sentence before Muzan pulled you into a hug surprising you. 
You hug him back anyway. 

"Wow, that last time I saw you.. you were on your deathbed." You whisper holding onto him tightly. 
Muzan held onto you tight as well, "I went to find you, but your village was burned down." 

He felt you flinch at his words, and you pulled away. 

"Yeah... it's a long story. I'm so sorry that I didn't look for you... I thought..."
"It's fine. I have some time to catch up with you though." 

You smile at him and nod, "right. It can be just like old times. You still like that drink I used to make?" You ask him. 

He just nods and sits himself at one of your tables. 

"Great, I'll make one for you." 

Muzan smiles at your words. Happy that you were alive and well. He was happy that he found you. 

Demon Slayer Preference/ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now