A Second Meeting

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You were by the lake, grabbing some water when you heard rustling behind you. Out of instinct you grabbed your sword, and point in the direction of the noise you heard. Some more rustling was heard and soon a familiar face came out. 

"Tanjiro?" You ask as you looked at his wine colored eyes. 

He looked at you in surprise and a smile soon broke out on his face. 
"Yeah! (y/n)." He says happy that you remembered his name. 

"Wow, it's weird how we keep running into each other." You say. 

More rustling was heard and the familiar faces of the two boys you scolded came out. 
The blonde hair gasped seeing you. 

"How come you get to see the cute girl again?!" He yells out at Tanjiro. 
"I see your friends are still with you." 

Tanjiro chuckles, "yeah. Hey, um... why don't you.. travel with us?" Tanjiro asks, not understanding why he suddenly got so nervous. 

"Yeah sure!" You say with a bright smile on your face making Tanjiro extremely happy. 


You were sitting outside in the garden. Enjoying the fresh air and the scenery in front of you. 
"(mispronounced name!" You heard some one yell your name. 

You look behind you seeing the boar headed boy, limping his way over to you. 

You glared at the boy who should be resting, but he was in fact not resting. 

"What are you doing out of bed? And why are wearing that mask? I told you not to wear the mask because the wounds on your face needs to heal. Once they're healed up you can wear it all you want." You scold him, standing up. 

"The great Inosuku needed you. And you weren't there!" He yells at you and your eyes widen at his words. 
"There's other nurses you know?" 
Inosuke scoffs, " I won't get back to bed until you come with me." 

You huff at his stubbornness, "fine. Let's go Inosuke." 


You were tending to the garden in your estate. You currently had a lot of time on your hands, seeing that you didn't have anyone to train, or anyone to talk to. 
No one really talked to, which kind of made you sad. You were hoping to make new friends, but they were distance. 

What you didn't know was that some of them just weren't ready to talk to you since you were the flower pillar and the previous flower pillar was someone very important to you. 

Giyu was walking around, seeing a new garden. He found it really pretty and he couldn't help be drawn into the garden. He didn't know that he was basically in your estate. 

You heard some one walking, making you turn around. You saw Giyu walking around, looking at all your plants. You had to stop yourself from jumping at the opportunity to talk to someone. Taking a deep breath, regaining your composure you calmly walked over to him. 

"You like them?" You asked, getting his attention. 
He looked over at him, his face expression not changing. 

"These are yours?" He asks and you nod. 
"Yeah, I planted them. Everything that's in my estate I plant." 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trespass." He says but you wave him off. 

"It's fine. It's nice to have visitors once in a while." You inwardly cringe at yourself for sound just a little desperate. 

"Would you like some tea?" You ask and you see him hesitate for a bit, making you wonder if he was going to decline. 
"Are you sure?

"Yeah, it'll be fine. Plus I can show you another garden I'm working on at the moment." You say sending him a sweet smile. 

"Okay.... I never got to introduce myself to you. I'm Tomioka Giyu." 


You were sitting on a hill, watching the clouds go by and creatures move around with out a care in a world. You always wondered what it would be like if you didn't have responsibilities of your own. 

"What are you doing here?" A soft voice breaks the trance you were in. 
You turn your head, seeing the same dark haired boy with mint green eyes. 

"You're not here to throw more pebbles at me, are you?" You ask, really hoping that he wasn't. 
The boy gives you an empty look, "you didn't answer my question." 

"Oh. Uh, I'm just enjoying the scenery. It's nice.... why don't you join me?" You ask, patting the spot next to you. 

He looks at you for a couple seconds, making you wonder, did he hear you? 
He then sits down, looking up at the sky. 

"I forgot what type of cloud that's called." He mutters and you look up at the cloud. 
"That one?" You ask pointing to it and he nods. 
"That's called Cirrocumulus, it's one of the three main genus-types of high-altitude tropospheric clouds." You tell him and he looks down at you in wonder. 

"You know your clouds." 
You shrug, "I just like to read and just pick up some information. Oh hey, I never got your name. My name's (y/n). What's yours?"

"Muichiro Tokito." He says and you smile at him, almost reminding him of your older brother who held the same type of smile that you did. 
He looks back up at the clouds and points to a different one, "which one is that one?"

You giggle and look up, telling him the type of cloud. 
You could tell this was going to be a start of a beautiful friendship.


You had just moved into the Tokyo district, as an artist. You were kind of lost at the moment, and carrying a heavy load of your stuff wasn't helping either. 

Suddenly you fell to the ground, dropping all your paint supplies. 

"I am so sorry." You say, with a quick bow of your head without even looking up at the guy and start picking up your stuff. 
"No need to apologize, accidents happen." A male's voice says, bending down to help pick up your stuff. 

"Ah, thank you." You say grabbing the stuff he was holding out to you. 
You look up at him, your (e/c) eyes meeting with red ones. His wavy black hair and pale complexion seemed really familiar to you. 

On the other hand, Muzan was looking at you in shock. You looked exactly how he remembered. Your (h/c) (hair type) hair cascaded beautifully around your face, (e/c) eyes sparkling in the city lights. Your face was a bit flushed from the small accident. You hadn't aged a day, making him wonder if you were really you or just some reincarnation. 

"I..I- uh. Have to go. Thank you for helping me sir." You quickly say, pushing by him to leave. Once you thought you lost him, you slowed down and realized that you were once again lost. 

What you didn't know was that your helper had followed you. 

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