You Worry Them

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"Are you sure you don't need me to come with you?" Tanjiro asks while holding onto your hands. 
"Yes," you say laughing, "I'm sure. It's just one demon. Not that hard. I promise I'll be back by tomorrow morning." 

Tanjiro sighs, nodding his head. "I'm sorry. I just get worried when you go out on missions by yourself." He admits and you just nod your head. 
"I know." You lean forward and place a small kiss on his nose. 
"But every single time I come back with out a scratch. I'll be fine." 

With a small blush on his face, he just nods his head, "okay!" 


"I didn't know that you did missions too." Inosuke says while you were sheathing your katana. 
You roll your eyes, "I may not go on them, but don't worry. I can handle myself." 

Inosuke suddenly places his arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him causing you to let a small yelp from surprise. 

"Who said I was worried about you?" He says and you just roll your eyes. 
"You don't have to say it. I can basically sense it off you."
"Well, your senses are stupid. Because I'm not worried." 
"Alright. Then why are you coming with me?" 
"Because you can't do it by yourself." He says quickly letting go of you and walking away. 

You just smile to yourself, knowing that deep down he was worried, even if he didn't say it. 


"What are you doing up there?" You hear Giyu's voice and you look down to see him. 
"Hmm, oh. Well this bird fell out and I'm just putting him back" 
"That's great.... can you come down now?" 

You looked at him confused. You could sense a different tone in his voice. It wasn't his normal stoic tone.

"Yeah... what's the matter?" You ask leaning towards more him while still sitting in the tree branch. 
His eyes widen, and his hands shoot out. 
"N-nothing! I mean nothing. Just get down from there." 

As soon as you heard his stutter and his panicked state, you pulled back with a smile. 
"You know Giyu, you don't have to be worried. I'm also a Hashira, so I can be in a tree just fine." 
Giyu's thin eyebrows pull together, "who said I'm worried? I'm not worried." 
"Alright, if you say so." 

You shrug your shoulder and jump down from the high branch. You knew that you wouldn't get hurt, but you just wanted to tease Giyu. 

Before your feet could even touch the ground, large hands wrapped around your waist, stopping you. 
You were face to face with Giyu and he was looking at you with a glare. 

"What was that?" He asks. 
"Nothing. Just proving my point." 


Muichiro looks around, wondering where you were at. You were supposed to meet up with him an hour ago, but you didn't show up. He began to worry, wondering where you were at. After another thirty minutes, he couldn't take it anymore. He had to find you and see that you were okay. 

After ten minutes of looking for you, he found you. You had scrolls littered around you and your head was placed down on one as well. You looked so peaceful, Muichiro almost didn't want to wake you. However, he didn't want your body to become sore. 

With a small shake to your shoulder he woke you up. When you lifted yourself off the low top table, Muichiro started laughing at the blank ink smudged on your face. 

"What's so funny?" 


You sighed, a bit bored from the meeting that was going on. You could basically feel the fear and respect in the air as Muzan talked to the demons.
You then started to feel annoyance and some form of anger. You look up from your book seeing a rather large demon glaring at Muzan. They seemed to be arguing. 

It all happened so quickly. You were sitting in the behind Muzan reading a book, but now you were standing in front of Muzan with your arms spread out- almost like in a protective stance. You shut your eyes, waiting for the blow but it never came. You opened your eyes seeing that the demon was now standing in front of you, his eyes full of fear. It wasn't long until he backed off. 

You soon felt a strong grip on your waist. You look down seeing Muzan's. 

"I rather you not do that again. Got it?" Muzan's voice sends shivers down your spine as he spoke those words into your ear. 


"Did you hear what happened?" 
"Well apparently there was a demon attack in (home town)..." 

Obanai's ears perked up hearing your familiar town. Without a second thought, he turned around and headed towards your town. 

It only took an hour for him to get to your town, when it usually takes two hours to get to your town. He sees your house, the door wide open and his heart starts beating faster. 

He quickly runs into the house, seeing nothing destroyed. He was a little confused to see you cleaning.

"(y/n)?" He calls out and you turn to him. 
"Oh hey Obanai. What's with the surprised visit?" You ask. 
"I heard that there was an attack, and I came as soon as I could." 

You smile, hearing his worries. 

"Well no need to worry. It was actually the next town over.... so demon attacks here." 

You just continue to smile and pat the top of his head. His eyebrows furrowed at your actions. 

"I'm.. not-" He says while pushing your hand away. 
"Yes you were. Don't argue with me." 

Up Next: What It's Like To Date Them
Word Count: 953

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