Zenitsu Catch Up

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How You Met: 

You could hear panicked screaming from afar. Normally, you would ignore it but ever since you became an official demon slayer you felt the need to help. After pushing some branches out of the way, you were met with a scene of a orange haired boy trying to fight. 

It wasn't really going well and it didn't take long for the boy to pass out from fear. Before the demon could land it's killing blow to the unconscious boy, you jumped into action. You pulled out your weapon and with one swift blow, you beheaded the demon. 

You look at the demon head roll away in disgust before looking at the the orange haired boy again. 

"Hey," you say nudging him with your foot but he didn't respond.  You groan, realizing that he was not going to wake up. 
Bending down you picked him up by his collar. Just in time as well, as some one entered the clearing. 

"Hey," You say lifting the boy higher up to show him the unconscious boy. "This yours?" 
"U-uh.. yeah?" You could tell the boy felt a little thrown back from your questions. 
"Good, here you go." You say handing the orange haired boy to him before leaving.

"... huh?" The orange haired boy comes back into conscious. Just in time to see the back of your head. Your (h/c) hair swaying with each step.

"W-who's that?" He asks his friend. 
Tanjiro shrugs, "I.. I don't know. I didn't even get to ask." 

A Second Meeting: 

"Do you see that?" Zenitsu asks pointing to the cloud of smoke willowing in the sky. 
Tanjiro nods.
"What do you think it is?" Zenitsu wonders out loud.
"I don't know. Let's go check it out." 

When the duo came to the clearing they were not expecting the same person that saved him. 

"Oh hey! It's you!" Tanjiro's energetic personality immediately shined through, basically scaring you because you did not expect them. 

"Yeah... it's me." You say turning around and looking at the two boys. 
"I'm sorry. I never got your names." You say starting to feel a bit awkward. 

"I'm Tanjiro. And the one you saved is Zenitsu." 

You look over to the orange/blonde hair boy seeing him frozen. His eyes were glued on you the whole time. 
"Uh... is he okay? I don't remember him hitting his head." 

As soon as those words left your mouth, Zenitsu snapped out of gaze and immediately rushed towards you. 

"You're the most beautiful woman I've met. Please be my wife!" He pleads and your eyes widen. 
"Huh?! Why not?!" 
"You don't know me. I don't know you. You don't even know my name."
"Then what's you're name!"
"It's (L/n)(Y/n)." 

Zenitsu lets out an exhale. Like his breath was taken away just from hearing your name. 
"...my future wife..."


"(n/n)-chaaaann!" Zenitsu whines out while shaking your shoulders. 
"(l/n) or (y/n) is fine, you know" You say with a slightly annoyed tone. 

Since of lately, Zenitsu has been bothering you non stop. 

HIs face comes into view, a pout adorning his face. 
"Why? We are friends... so I can call you (n/n)-chan." He says a bit childishly. 

His statement through you off, not expecting those words to leave his mouth. 
Since when did he think that you were friends with him? Honestly, you felt a bit honored. Not many people considered you to be their friend, since you had a tendency to be closed off and cold towards either. But it seemed that Zenitsu didn't mind. In fact, it just drew him in more. 

"Who said we're friends?" You say trying to look away to hide your flustered face. 
Either way, he saw it. 
"I did. Ever since you saved me." 

You jokingly roll your eyes, "oh boy." 


The day that Zenitsu made up his mind that he actually liked was one of his best days. However, it was hard to get through you. His first, his second and his third attempt all failed. Either you were oblivious to his attempts, or you didn't like him. However, he needed to know how you felt. This time, he was going to tell you up front.

"(y/n). I love you." He boldly says.
"As you do with every woman that walks by." You say.

"I'm serious (y/n)-chan! I love you so much." 

You finally look over at him, realizing just how serious he was." 

"D-do.... do you feel the same way?" He nervously asks. 

Your heart started to beat faster and the butterflies in your stomach. You never really saw this coming. No one ever felt this way for you, so you were a bit surprised. 

Your silence only meant one thing to him. You didn't like him back. 

"I'm sorry." He mutters dejectedly. He gets up, starting to get up. 
"Wait! No." You quickly say grabbing his wrist. 
"I... I d-do.. I just never had anyone that felt that way.. I don't know what to do." You whisper, almost embarrassed. 

"Awe! It's okay (n/n)-chan! I'm glad you feel the same way." He loudly says as he pulls you into a hug. 

You Make Them Flustered: 

During the first half of the day, you were full of energy. And most of it was spent on arguing with Inosuke. By the end of the day you tired out. 

Making your way to Zenitsu, you basically lean on him. Basking in his warmth. 

"You're so warm and comfortable, Zenitsu. Can you be my pillow?" You sleepily ask, as you cuddle up to him more. 

Zenitsu basically chokes on air as he heard your question. His face turned a bright red at your innocent question, but he couldn't help how his heart started to beat faster. 

"Of course (n/n)-chan! Anything for you!"

Favorite Place To Kiss: 

He loves kissing you on your lips. He's literally addicted to them. 

You Worry Them:

You had been quit all day. Which wasn't like you at all. When he tried to talk to you, you would just ignore him. Questions and worries would start to fill his head. He wouldn't stop bothering you, voicing his worries. 

It was midday, and he was still following you. He was a bit confused as to why you were heading towards your room. When you did. You didn't hesitate to lay down on your futon and take a nap. 

Zenitsu looks at you bewildered. 

"All you needed was a nap?!"

What It's Like to Date Them: 

~You always protecting him

~You being the dominant one

~Lot's of cuddles

~He loves being the little spoon. 

~You always go with him on his missions 

~You have to deal with his flirting skills 

~Finding his little bird adorable






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