Surrender~ Tanjiro [LE]

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Imagine: Surrender~ Tanjiro x fem!reader [LE]
Requested by: bokojunko
Warnings: It's smut. So be prepared for anything. You might need holy water after this. 

One thing (y/n) hated to do was surrendering. 

To surrender meant to yield to the oppressors power of control. To surrender meant to give up completely. To her it meant that you were weak. And she was anything but weak. 

To her, a lot of things made her feel weak. 

If she felt vulnerable, then she felt weak. If she felt any type of emotions such as sadness or guilt she felt weak. When her heart started to beat faster, she felt weak. 

Maybe that's why she was so cold towards Tanjiro. 

Whenever she was around him her heart started to beat faster, her mind went blank making her vulnerable. She hated it. She hated how he made her feel. She wasn't about to surrender to her feelings. 

The girl closes her eyes and hums as she finds herself into a peaceful meditation. Getting all her worries out of her mind.... for now. 
She was sitting in her backyard of her estate. It was quite peaceful to her.

"Hey (y/n)~" She hears a very familiar voice call out to her. 

She peeks one eye open and looks behind her to see Tanjiro. 

How did he get into her estate? 

"Sorry for coming in unannounced, but your door was open and I-" 
"It's fine." She says waving him off and finally standing up from her meditation position and walking pass Tanjiro. 

"Come on in, what do you want?" She asks, cringing inwardly for sounding harsh towards the end. 
"A-ah. I just wanted to ask you some questions." He says and (y/n) nods in response. 

It was quiet for about five seconds, but when it's five seconds of waiting for a response or a question it seems like the longest five seconds ever. She sits at her kotatsu and looks ahead, still waiting for his questions. 

"Well?" She pushes on. 

Tanjiro shakes his head, pushing back his nerves. 

"Do... do you not like me?" He asks slowly taking a seat at her kotatsu.

(y/n) gives him a bewildered look. 

"I'm letting you in my place, am I not?"
If she didn't like him, then why hasn't she kicked him out yet? 

"That's-" He pauses for a second thinking of a way to reword his question, "what I mean is why are you so cold towards me?" 

The girl shrugs in response, "it's just who I am." 
"That's not true. I see the way you talk to others." 
"So now you're watching me?" 

Tanjiro's eyes widen hearing what she said feeling a little embarrassed, "I - what no. It's just basic observation." He stutters out and she nods secretly enjoying how flustered he was getting. 

Tanjiro had a small blush on his cheeks but his eyebrows were furrowed seeing that (y/n) had a little smile. He was frustrated that she was getting a kick out of this. 
He walks closer to her, inhaling. 

"I just want to know why you treat me different." 

The girls eyes widen when he got closer and how stern his statement. 
It became quiet between the two and a tension started to fill the air. A tension that she didn't recognize. She's been in many situation but she's never felt this one. 

She started to feel hot and bothered and her heart started to beat faster at his close proximity. 
What was this feeling? 
It was new and different another thing she didn't like. 

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