Part 4

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After Tom asked you about Marvolo Gaunt there had been a brief argument between the two of you. Tom thought you had been lying at first. He thought you were embarrassed by the inbreeding and the fall from grace, but he finally accepted the truth. That filth had Obliviated you before tossing you away just because you were a squib. How perfect of a mother you were for him, you knew what it was like to be abandoned by your father just like Tom was.

"Did you make any new friends at school?" You asked.

"No," Tom said firmly. He was reading and that was his impulse reaction. Tom liked that he could be authentic around you without fear of judgment. Even if you did judge him he would not acknowledge it. Tom looked up from his book to see you staring at him with a concerned look.

"I have gained some followers though. Lesser students in need of a greater power to guide them." Tom hoped that would ease your visible concern.

"Mother, I would like to start sending you letters while I am at school. To make sure you are safe while I am away." Making sure you were safe was just a plus for Tom. He wanted to know what you were doing and who you were doing it with and to keep you from the orphanage.

"Well, you do not need to ask!" You laughed.

"I was not asking. I was letting you know because of the school's odd way of postage. The letters will be delivered by an owl and you will have to give your response to the owl." Tom told you.

"You do not have an owl," You stated, "does your school have a place to buy these special owls?" You asked.

"I appreciate your concern, but I do not want an owl." Tom liked that you were eager to buy him something even if it would be expensive. He knew you would never do that for anyone else.

The rest of summer was spent fairly normal. Tom left a few times and refused to say where he was going, and shortly before he went back to school a letter from Ms. Cole telling you to not come back to the orphanage along with other foul things said about you and Tom. The note seemed suspicious because it did not seem to be Ms. Cole's handwriting, but you figured her mind may have been going because of her old age.

Tom hated to leave you but was happy to continue his schooling and begin the search for the Chamber of Secrets and immortality. This time, however, he took a piece of you. While you had slept he cut a lock of your hair to keep in his journal. It smelled like home and comfort to him. It smelled like you.

When Tom got on the train he was immediately greeted by a boy that had begun following him last year. Tom did not care enough to remember his last name and just called the boy by his last name, Rosier. He was not very talented but would do for an underlying for Tom until the better options fell in line. Initially, Tom made it obvious to the other Slytherin children that he was not messed with, but that did not mean they would follow him not without hard evidence of his Slytherin lineage. Which he planned to retrieve after he found the Chamber of Secrets. He knew his father and the Gaunt family or its remains were likely in the same area. He planned to ask his father why he had left you. Not that Tom was complaining. He would hate to share you with anyone. He would never allow anyone else to take your attention away. No matter who it was a lover, friend, family member, or even another child he would deal with them promptly.

The school year progressed normally. Tom was now old enough to join the 'slug club' and not only had he found a way to stay alive forever he also found his Chamber of Secrets. The only thing he told you about was the 'special club' that was for children that seemed to be even more 'special' than the students at what Tom often described as an 'advanced' school.

Tom made his first Horcrux, but its creation made him think of you. Eventually, you would die, and the last thing Tom wanted to do is split your soul up. You may be his mother, but you still were weak in Tom's eyes and could never handle the process. Besides, you would likely begin protesting against Tom's views. The last thing he would need is during a meeting with his followers have you come in and chastise him like a child. He also doubted you would be willing to refer to any variation of what his followers currently called him.

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