Questions asked and answered about the Snow White version of Tom Riddle

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Some of the responses are unedited.

How would Tom React to the reader having a crush on someone? (I messed up on the response):

The family at the beginning of part five of Snow White was originally going to be just one person that was pursuing the reader. The reader was not necessarily going to be romantically interested in the person. They would have ended up being either close friends or in a romantic relationship. When the reader introduces their 'friend' to Tom he would have left the situation as soon as possible to collect his thoughts and make a plan to get them away from you. He hates that you have to be without him, but he acknowledges that it is necessary on his path to greatness. Tom plans to reward you once he has control of the wizarding world. Tom would make sure your little crush turned into hate or at least a strong dislike. He would sabotage them by telling the person that you love things you hate and hate things you love. If you were allergic to anything Tom would slyly mention how much you love that thing (as long as it's a non-life-threatening allergy). Tom would make sure the person looked like an absolute fool in front of you. He would even stir up conflict between him and the person so that it could look like the person was being mean to him for no reason. If the person is particularly persistent he is 100% not afraid to frame them for murder (particularly in his teen years). He would not just kill them because he would not have anyone to take the blame for killing them. If he killed the person the way muggles do then you are likely to be blamed. Tom also would be unable to kill them with magic as there are no other Witches or Wizards in the area to take the blame and he would be blamed. Overall Tom would not be happy that you were trying to give any interest to someone else, especially to a muggle. Now on the off chance that a pure-blooded wizard that was in a position of power that could benefit Tom's future efforts came around, he would be more than happy to use them for his gain. As long as they did not come around too much while he is having his time with you.

How does Tom react if the reader had a child?:

Snow White Tom on the other hand is very unhappy. Especially Tom that has just recently gotten his mother to himself (been adopted). Tom stays at Hogwarts through all of the little holidays until the two-month summer break (I want to say it's like two and a half. Half of June then all of July and August). So the reader could get pregnant and have the baby in the time span that Tom is gone at school as long as the child was convicted right after Tom leaves for school. He would hate the baby so much and he would let you know that he was mad at you for this betrayal. Tom would try to guilt-trip you into giving it away saying stuff like "am I not enough for you?" Or "have I not been a good enough son? Why are you replacing me?" Tom would act out more and do things to get your attention. Even if the attention he is getting is negative. He only gets you for two months out of the year and he fully expects you to ignore the child while he is home.

Now if the reader already has a child then at first he is calm. He just sees them as his sibling until the reader starts giving more love to the child. Being that at the beginning of Snow White the reader is living at the orphanage to help, the child would be living there also, and it would be confusing to Tom when the reader is smiling when the child calls her mom but frown and chastises Tom for doing the same thing. Tom would be more prone to acting out in a way that blames the biological child for bad things. Eventually, Tom would mellow out with the child but when Tom makes to switch to Voldemort he is making sure you never see them again. Just because by that point he is going to have you locked up somewhere.

How would Tom react if his mother disappeared? 

- Younger Tom (pre-being adopted by the reader) is furious. We see how he reacts after his first year at Hogwarts when she moves out of the orphanage. 

- He thinks she has abandoned him because of how many times she has said that she was not his mother.

- Tom is very hurt at this as well, but overall he is acting out more and causing more problems at the orphanage.

- He would do things to other children and mess up anything that presented the opportunity. Anything he was told was bad he does just to get under Ms. Cole's skin. 

- Once you return he is hugging you like his life depends on it.

- If he is young enough he may even cry.

- The longer you were gone the more chance of Tom begging you never to leave him again.

- If you're not gone for very long he lectures you about leaving him. 

- After Tom is adopted he has a similar reaction at first but becomes worried someone took you not that you left on your own.

- Tom tries to stay rational at first, but it does not take long for him to be mapping out any possible culprits (if it is after Dumbeldore's visit with you he suspects Albus took you for himself).

- He is ready to hurt someone even if he gets in trouble for it.

- Tom would search for you for as long as it took.

- Depending on his age he plans to make sure the person that took you is taken care of even if that means he has to take a few years before he can finish them off.

- Tom is continuously asking if you are okay and trying to make you go see a doctor. He tries to cater to you the best he can. Tom treats you the same way you treat him when he would get sick.

- If you left on your own or even just left to go run errands without letting Tom know he is very upset and is going to use this as leverage to get anything that he wants from you.

- When you do return Tom asks you a million questions. He also becomes extremely clingy and follows you around more than normal. 

- Tom may not show it but he is extremely upset by you disappearing no matter the circumstance.

Wait so what happens when voldemort "died" the first time when trying to kill baby harry? Or after harry killed him for good? Does she wake up? Or did she, like, wither away because he wasn't there to keep her alive anymore?

sorry for taking so long to respond😅! I think she would wake up just because Voldemort would no longer be there to continuously keep her asleep, but I think she would actually wake up after his first "death". However, the reader would also be very old because she is just a regular Muggle and she was at least sixteen+ years or however old the reader is older than Voldemort who is seventy by the time Harry kills him. There is also a chance that Voldemort would have fully woken her up when she began to age drastically prior to his initial "death". Also in an AU where Voldemort wins the war the first time around he would most definitely wake the reader up to show off his accomplishments (if she's still alive). However, what she does after that determines if he will force her back to sleep or keep her awake for what remains of her life. Voldemort would also handle the readers death very poorly once she died of old age, because he is matured enough to realize that she is not 'just sleeping'. Sorry for the long winded comment. 

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