Part 6.5 (A Different Ending)

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A/N: I had mentioned on Tumblr that I would make a different ending for this, and a few people seemed to want the different ending. This starts off from where the reader and Tom are entering the house after his return from being gone for the five years after his final year at Hogwarts.


The two of you entered from the backyard into your home. "Mother, you should have waited for me. You made a promise." Tom said tightly.

"Tom, I-" Tom cut you off.

"It's not Tom. It is Lord Voldemort now," Tom may have loved you, but you were no exception to his name change.

"I am not calling you that, and you cannot expect me to have just sat here for the past five years without any word from you." You told him

"The time I was gone should not matter, what matters is I came back and I certainly never tried to replace you." Tom glanced over at the picture of you with the new children from the orphanage.

"I was not replacing you Tom, and even if I did it should not matter. I thought you were dead, you left and never wrote me." This was not the ideal reunion Tom had in mind when he came home. He expected you to hug him and worry over his changed looks and ask repeatedly if he was feeling okay. He expected you to insist to make his favorite meal for him and what he was sure you would perceive as Tom's friend before discreetly asking if they were involved romantically.

"I had work to attend to. Work beyond your comprehension. Your only role in life was to keep me feeling loved and entertained, and you did just that and you will continue that role as time progresses." Tom said firmly before reaching for your hand to pull you close to him. He hugged you tightly. It reminded him of his early years. This hug was stiff and lacked the motherly love your hugs usually had. This hug was like the ones he would receive as a child before Hogwarts before you quit lying to yourself and claimed Tom as your son.

"Get off of me!" You pushed away. "Work beyond my comprehension huh?" You scoffed. "You are really diluted enough to believe my only role is to give you love and entertainment? You know Tom, the only reason I took you in was that no one else wanted you. The woman that gave birth to you, Merope, seemed utterly miserable. She had no one, nothing when she died, and by the way you are acting no one will want you either. If your work is so incomprehensible for such a lowly person as myself you can feel free to leave and never come back." You felt as if you were being overly harsh, but the words would not stop.

"You are just upset that I was gone for so long. Do not try to act with a superiority that you do not have. Anyone proper witch would be honored to be my mother like you are." He said proudly.

"Then one of them can keep you entertained and loved. Get out of my house, or I will take drastic action." You began shooing him out of the house and for the most part, he was complying with mild reluctance.

He ended up leaving with his dignity without making any more of a scene, and it seemed that would be the end of the ordeal. However, the was a small pinpoint of doubt. He may return with less than favorable intentions. Your doubt would be proved wrong when Tom never showed back up at least not in the weeks following. It would be months before he came back around. When Tom did return he apologized for everything and made you a nice meal. After the meal you became sleepy he helped you to your room. Only you never woke back up. You were still very much alive, and occasionally through the fake coma-induced world you had been living in you would hear Tom's voice. His real voice would tell you of atrocities that he had committed over the years and how much he adored your talks together.

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