Part 5

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You had brought a couple of friends over to meet Tom while he was home. Tom complained saying he wanted to spend as much time as possible with you and not with strangers. They were a man and a woman. They were a couple that had a daughter and son around Tom's age. It seemed like a good idea to help Tom make some friends his age while you did the same.

The girl was smitten over Tom who had no interest in her and the boy acted like he did not want to be there. He even seemed nervous any time he had to be close to Tom. The three teenagers sat in the kitchen at the table while you and the other two adults sat in the living area discussing things the children tended to do. They told you a few parenting tricks they had learned, and you did the same. Everything seemed fine until the boy and girl came running in with horrified looks on their faces demanding their leave. Tom followed in slowly. He had a smug look on his face.

"What happened?" the question you asked was directed at all three teenagers.

"He is a freak! A monster!" The boy said while clinging to his father's arm.

"What did he do?" The woman asked. The girl whispered into her mother's ear as her face fell in terror.

"We need to leave!" She said ushering her husband to the door with their children in tow.

"No! We can fix this, I am-"

"That brat of yours needs to be thrown in an asylum before he kills you or someone else," the woman said before she slammed the front door. Your head snapped in Tom's direction.

"I told you they were bad people." He muttered slyly before trying to walk off.

"Tom." You said sternly.

"Yes, mother?" He asked mockingly.

"What did you say to them?" You asked.

"Nothing that you should have to hear." In Tom's mind, you were far too weak to handle what he threatened them with.

"Besides now we can spend time together without any interruptions or disturbances," Tom said with a small smile.

"Tom, I am worried about you. How come you never invite any school friends over? Are you embarrassed of me?" You asked, causing Tom to chortle.

"I've told you I do not have any friends, I have followers, and it is them I am embarrassed of not you," Tom believed his followers were not good enough to meet you, not yet anyway. Once he grew his power his most loyal followers would guard you while he was away tending to business. Though he did not want them speaking to you, not casually anyway. He knew the chance for his followers mingling with you would be short as you would be put under a sleeping spell of some kind.

"Then why do you not invite your 'followers' over?" You asked.

"They do not like coming this far in the city, around all of these people," Tom explained.

"Oh, well that makes sense, and do not think I have forgotten about you running off our company. For that, you have to cook dinner tonight and write an apology letter that I will be reading over." You hoped this would be a sufficient punishment for threatening people and then being so cagey about it. After Dumbledore had visited you had to be extra aware of what Tom did. You decided to take Dumbledore's advice and continue to punish these behaviors instead of giving into Tom's misbehavior. Dumbledore had even suggested taking one of Tom's old journals or even his current one to get a better understanding of the way Tom thought. You entertained the thought for a moment but decided it was best to give Tom his privacy, especially with him being a teenage boy.

"Help me cook dinner?" he asked. Most of the time you would cook while Tom reads at the table or talk to you. Tom hated cooking, but it was always fun when the two of you cooked together when he was younger. You were hesitant about the offer.

"I wanted to cook with you like the old times," Tom knew exactly what to say to get the answer he wanted.

"Well, okay." You smiled at him.

Tom knew he should enjoy the little moments with you while he had the chance. He knew eventually you would rebel before being put to sleep.  

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