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heeseung was back at his favorite 24/7 convenience store.

it was 2 in the morning and his midnight cravings were disappointed (heavily) when he realized that he was totally out of instant ramen packets.

so here he was, pouring steaming water into his ramen bowl (with 10 others in a plastic bag near him) and sealing the lid shut, scrolling through his phone while waiting for the noodles to be cooked.

two minutes later and heeseung was at the park right opposite, making his way to the first empty bench he sees.

making himself comfortable, he blows out the ramen and lifts it to his mouth when he hears a noise he thought he'd never hear in an abandoned park at 2 am.


soft, silent sobs, but the sound of someone (he assumed it was a boy) crying was clear to his ears.

as he looks around to locate the source, his eyes fall on a boy 3 benches far, face hidden in his hands, his blond hair striking even through the darkness of the night.

how did i not notice him?

heeseung wonders if he should comfort the boy.

he's never been particularly good at comforting people, but maybe giving him company wouldn't be that bad.

plus, the boy seemed to be heeseung's age, and it wouldn't hurt to make a new friend.

of course there was always a chance he might get flipped off but, it was a given risk.

so heeseung makes his way to the boy, who at closer proximity can be seen wearing an all black-outfit, and - was that an ear piercing?

or two? or more?

that's so cool, heeseung thinks. his parents would never let him get piercings, on account of it being what they called "girly".

he never really understood his parents.

heeseung stops in front of the boy, and he senses heeseung's presence, because he lifts his head up to meet heeseung's eyes, before hiding it with his hands again.

that split second meeting of their eyes however, gave heeseung feelings he could not describe.

all the galaxies and stars from the sky were scattered in his eyes, and heeseung was mesmerized.

"it's a nice night isn't it?", heeseung says out loud, and the boy pretends not to hear it.

he hesitates.

should i sit down next to him?

"you don't have to comfort me or shit like that. i'm fine," the boy's voice comes out muffled, but heeseung can feel the deep, resonating voice vibrate through his very soul, making his heart beat faster.

the boy was obviously not fine, and as much as heeseung wanted to leave him alone and mind his own business, something about him drew heeseung in, like bees to honey. like a magnet to iron.

and so, he makes a decision.

heeseung sits next to him, and he flinches slightly, but doesn't lift his face from his hands.

they sit in awkward silence for a few minutes, before heeseung speaks up.

"do you want some ramen?"

ramen - heeseung x jay [slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now