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song playing: dandelions — ruth b. 

heeseung and jay have been spending more time together then he'd like to admit (maybe it was every sunday, maybe not, you never know.)

what he does know, however, is that jay had definitely increased heeseung's happiness meter since he'd made his existence aware.

shit i'm in trouble, heeseung thinks as jay and him are sitting on the same bench in the same park they first met in. ("i just want to go back there with you! i haven't been to it in a while.")

because even though he's wearing a poker face, he's hyper-aware of his beating heart as he tunes out every other noise in the universe, just to listen to jay's animated chatter. 

he doesn't even know what jay's talking about (was it about hamsters? or was it about his friend's hedgehog?), all he knows is that he finds jay's habit of not being able to stop when he starts talking, endearing.

there's something about jay, that feels different.

heeseung's had multiple crushes, multiple attractions (most notably to his student council president in his high school years, but let's not go there), and they were just that. 


but jay – jay feels like a fresh breath of air. he feels like summer sun, he feels like warmth. comfort.

his smile that makes it feel like everything would be okay, as long as he was next to heeseung.

heeseung is drawn to him.

he soon also realizes that jay isn't just beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well.

"bambi." jay calls, and heeseung hums calmly (he was definitely not calm inside; he thinks there's an entire flutter of butterflies migrating within himself.)


"where did the bambi come from?"

"i don't know, just felt right. but anyways, listen, i feel like doing something spontaneously," jay says, as his eyes scan over the crowd of children in the park.

heeseung cocks an eyebrow, "like what?"

"like buying every kid here some ice-cream."

"you can't do that!", heeseung says shocked, and jay's shoulders slump.

"why not? it's a nice thing to do."
heeseung can't help but coo at jay whining.

"it is a nice thing, but what do you think the parents of those kids would say if you randomly gave their kid ice-cream?"

"'re right."

a frisbee falls on the ground next to heeseung's feet, and he picks it up.

"hi! um...could i have my frisbee back?" a small girl smiles shyly as she approaches the two, and heeseung smiles back as he handed the girl her frisbee.

"can i play with you too ?" jay asks, and the girl happily nods. heeseung watches as jay runs with the girl to her friends, smiling fondly as his eyes absently gaze over jay.

how can a person be so perfect ?

i'm in deep trouble.

"so you do like him."

"could you not talk a bit softer?" heeseung hisses, as sunoo's bubbly laugh sounds through the call.

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