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heeseung pushes his door open, his tired eyes falling over the clock as it repeatedly flashed the red digits: 5:53

i didn't even notice the time go by.

and it was true.

it wasn't as if jay and him had talked much; most of the night was spent in silence. but the silence was so comforting.

heeseung wishes he could rewind the day back a few hours. 

he would probably never see the boy again, because being the idiot he is, heeseung had forgotten to get his number, or any means of reaching out to him.

even more conveniently, he had also forgotten to give his own name to jay.

how did i not introduce myself first?

stupid, stupid heeseung.

heeseung felt something for the boy and he wasn't going to deny it.

even though he barely knew him, something about jay made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

jay felt like a hot cup of cocoa on the coldest night as you cuddled up with your friends under a single blanket.

it was like he knew jay from another life.

now that's just ridiculous.

heeseung hasn't felt this conflicted since the last time he had to choose between ramen and ice-cream. (ps. he went with ramen)

he feels something brush against his feet and he looks down, his lips pulling up in a grin as he picks up his tawny cat and nuzzles against it.

jay could wait. cuddles and sleep however, couldn't.

"hey sunshine~ did you miss me? you did, didn't you?", heeseung cooes.

"come on seungie hyung~ just one party?"

"sunoo, i really don't want to.." heeseung sighs, fluffing up his hair.

"it's hoonie's birthday though! you have to come, or i'll be really sad." sunoo pouts as he crosses his arms; he just looks more cute than sad.

"hoonie's birthday comes every year; we'll do something else later for it! maybe go somewhere he likes-"

"hyung. you need to have a social life, you can't be stuck at home 24/7."

"of course i can, staying at home is so much fun-"

"i'm not joking! you really need to get out, when's the last time you've actually gone out and talked to someone?"

it was 2 months ago.

the last time he'd gone out to talk to a friend (if he could even be called a friend – heeseung doubts it), was when he'd met a charming blond random named jay in that park (he'd been crying but hey, they had a good time).

heeseung wasn't about to tell sunoo that though.

"remember that friend hoonie wanted you to meet?" sunoo pops a candy into his mouth, looking at heeseung expectantly.

"uh...yeah, his middle school friend?"

"yeah, him. he's coming too you know."

"and that's my problem how? if this is supposed to make me want to come to the party, it isn't really working."

"it's your problem because um, he's hot. like, really hot." sunoo giggles.

"and imagine how sunghoon would feel if he heard you saying that about his friend."

"nah, he's not my type." sunoo shrugs, and heeseung hums.

"yeah, your type is anyone who's sunghoon."

"exactly, but we're not talking about me here. look, you are coming to that party, and don't you dare say you don't have anything to wear-" sunoo puts a finger on heeseung's lips as he tries to protest,"i already have an outfit for you. you will not stay at home reading fanficion and sulking over your pathetic love life when there's a hot guy who's practically dying to meet you."

"i do not read fanfiction-"

"hyung, honestly you're only kidding yourself, everyone knows your wattpad obsession, and i regret going through your library. anyways, you will not stay home tonight."

"watch me."

"oh i'm not going to watch, i'm dragging you along. now get ready, we're gonna party~" sunoo sings, and heeseung laughs in disbelief.

"i will, under no circumstances, be coming-"

"oh stop talking. you're coming, end of discussion."

sunoo always got his way.


hello ^•^

first off, double update \(^0^)/ 

i am so thankful to y'all for waiting for me to return, and for all the supportive messages i received. i've had some problems, but i'm back, and chapters will be posted ^^

also 200 reads woohoo~~

thank you for waiting <3

lots of love,
niki :3

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