chapter 2

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oh no was he hurt i then felt something lifting me up and i looked down josh was under me and picking me up he lifted me up then took me under he put some goggles on me and he had a waterproof flash light "hold your breath" he said and then we went under he was pulling my arm and we went under a rock cave opening but when we came in it was lifted buy 20 candles it was a cave about 20 feet high and there was sand around it we started kissing and he grabbed my waist and put me onto the sand he kissed my cheek and went down to the bottom and when he came back up he had seaweed in his hand and he put it onto my head "queen of water land!! lady and gent''s the beautiful queen of all." i couldn't help but smile. he lay ed my down on the ground and we looked up and there was a hole in the roof and we could see all the stars. i put my head on his ABS and we looked up he was rubbing my hands and i drifted off to sleep. when i woke up it was morning and could feel someone holding me and then they let go and i opened my eyes and i dropped and cold water hit my body so cold. "help me out" i said pretending to cry he realised and helped me out but before he could think i pulled him in and started laughing. we got out and swam out and climbed up the path to the top of the hill i got on my clothe and i got into his car he drove me home. all day i couldn't stop thinking of him are night his hot steamy body and his...abs :) and are sex it was great people say the first time is weird and the worst but it seemed like the best. tomorrow was Sunday and that meant i got to sleep in. i went downstairs and Leo leaning on the table giving me a concerned but cheeky face. "where were you last night" my face began to go red." i was in my room"  "  lie lie lie i went to check on you after i heard you scream and you went away with josh." now my face was on fire he started to walk away but when i was pouring my milk he nudged me and he made me spill the milk all over me. "oh your gonna get it" i spun around and pour all of the milk on him he was drenched. he took the eggs that he gotten out to make scramble eggs and he cracked it on my head i started to punch him and i started to run i knew he was gonna get get me but i tripped over the side off the couch and i came tumbling to the ground i could here Leo laughing "oh look you left a dent in the floor!!" "ha ha very funny" i got up and hopped in the shower the warmth felt good i got out and did my homework after i then fell asleep watching the adventures. i woke up to the phone ringing i picked up a hot sexy voice filled my ears who could only be one persons the one the only josh!! "hey babe I'm picking you up in a few minute be ready" and he hung up i ran u stairs did my hair/makeup and chose a short black dress

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