chapter 4

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*BEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEP* I hate mondays  I grabbed a hold of my alarm clock and chucked it across the room and it shetterd into 3 pieces great ive got school today atleast nbody knows about me being raped. what will I do without josh he is going away for 1 week to help his grandpa on a farm. I washed my  brown hair with blue herbel ecencies and I decided to let my hair air dry to my naturel waves I apllied my mascara and did a cat eye look on my eyelid with eyeliner and finally press powder. I grabbed a apple from the fruit basket and realised I had 4 minotes to get to school and walking distance takes about 12 minz.

then like magic a car horn beeped outside I looked out the window and joshs suv was parker outside. he leaves later at 1 so this is goodbye for now.

at lunch at school

ever since I told my besfriend sam  on saterday shes been acting weird and ignoring me almost I got my tray of food and went to go sit next to her in the café but she gave her friends a weird look obviesly meaning something and they all got up and left. I was about to ask why did they leave but some boy standing on a table yelled out "HEY GUYS DID YOU HEAR LOLA HAS AIDS AND HEPRS!" and that's when I knew sam had told everyone in the school I was raped and I hit rock botttem


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