Fred Jones

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Fred Jones is a character who isn't exactly settled at the start as he wants to meet his mother but he thinks that she is no longer alive or somewhere far away.

He continues to wear his iconic ascot with a white sweater white sweater over a blue shirt, blue pants and brown shoes.

He has always been confused as to where his mother would be or who she actually is.

He is completely unaware that he doesn't have a father either he later learns that his "father' is wrong and he later learns towards the end of the season that he was deliberately taken away from his parents when he was a baby.

Fred's life has been a mystery of his own.

He is starting to gain feelings towards Daphne but he doesn't know how to express those feelings.

He always sees her as a friend when she is with Velma, Shaggy and Scooby.

He knows deep down in his heart that he really loves her and is secretly scared to lose her as a friend.

He still has a small bit of the jock personality when it comes to being around his football team mates.

He always shows a softer side of him around Daphne despite being oblivious to her strong feelings towards him.

Daphne also realises this as well but it takes her a bit quicker to realise this.

He is dedicated when it comes to designing traps but he never gets much credit for designing and creating them from anyone else expect from the rest of the gang who are at times either confused or surprised at his traps.

He starts to see Daphne in a different light when she was captured by the Phantom and when she performs Trap of Love with the Hex Girls as Thorn.
She seemed satisfied by him finally noticing her, but this only seemed temporary for both of them.

Fred gets jealous of her attraction to a teacher, causing him to have an outburst about stealing her when Fred suspected him of being the Cicada Creature. He later takes her on a date to the trap exhibit.

He then discovers that his life had been a lie has a massive effect him, leaving him in a emotional state and is forced  to search for his biological parents soon after he "made a new start" by breaking his engagement with Daphne and declaring "Mystery Incorporated is gone.

He leaves Crystal Cove and is immediately on a mission to win Daphne back but much to his dismay she has moved on and starts dating Baylor Hotner who later turns out to be the Crybaby Clown.

Fred fills this void by becoming attached to an old teddy bear and treats it like it's able to speak to him.

My Opinion on Him

Fred is the only main character on the show that has a slow and progressive growth in the show as a person.

He then becomes grateful for having the Mayor as his only father figure.

He then learns to express his feelings for Daphne despite the obstacles that have been thrown towards them from start to finish.

He becomes a little vulnerable when telling her about his problems.

We also learn that Brad and Judy were married and had Fred.
His biological parents had wanted to return to Crystal Cove but Mayor Jones stopped him so he took the baby as ransom and said no harm would come to him as long as they stayed away. Mayor Jones gave the baby the false name of "Fred Jones, Jr." He shows him a picture cut from a magazine that was supposed to be his mother who left when he was a baby.

I initially thought that this was deliberate incident that shouldn't have happened. I then slowly began to change my mind about the situation towards the end of this show.

I then started to realise that Mayor Jones had already known what Fred's actual  parents were like and knew their characters well. He knew that they were part of the original Mystery Incorporated and didn't want Fred to suffer from the future consequences of his parents plans.

He just wanted Fred to have some sort of father figure

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