Chapter Thirty-One

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Time passed.
And so fall came to an end, letting winter begin.
"Does it snow here?"
I looked at him curiously.
"Hmh." He murmured, while he hugged me tighter covering me more with the blanket. The warmth of the fireplace were hitting on my face. But it wasn't uncomfortable. I felt cossy, sitting with him before the fireplace while being in his arms.
"But it snows just a little bit." He added.
In my village, the snow wouldn't even allow you to walk properly, seems like it's hotter in the capital.
"Are you cold? Should I put more wood into the fireplace?"
He was about to stand up, as I held him.
"No, it's enough."
I clinged more onto him.
"You're also warm enough." I added.
His chest began to go up and down faster.
"You're nervous again?"
"It's- just.. you're always teasing me."
He stuttered, while covering his red face with his hand.
"Zuko?" I whispered.
"Please, stop-" he begged.
"My Lord."
He pushed me back, causing me to lay on the couch him above me.
I gulped.
Did I overdo it?
His eyes were looking at me in a way I've never seen before. It were like he was controlled by his instincts.
"Z-Zuko?" I stuttered nervous, as he get down, leaving barely space between us.
My heart were about to explode.
I closed my eyes knowing what he was about to do now. A-am I ready? I mean.... I feel some kind of desire right now, not gonna lie. And him above me like that..did something to me..
"It's late."
He kissed me on my forehead.
Perplexed about his move, I opened my eyes again just to see him smiling at me, while he was stepping back.
What just happened...
"D-did you do this on purpose?!"
I asked him shocked. My face was really red right now.
"You should be teased a little bit too, don't you think?" He smirked at me.
"But we're not doing anything before the wedding." He added.
"What wedding?"
Suddenly he kneeled before me.
I held my hand before my mouth.
What was he doing?!
Please someone say this is a joke!
"I know, you're panicking right now. But please calm down and hear me out."
He touched my leg, smiling at me weakly.
I nodded.
"I know you're thinking that it is too early for this...and you're right. But I want you to know that I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to be old with you and I want to have a family with you. Nobody else. Just you, Ren.
I'm not trying to say that we should get married immediately. It's up to you. You say when you're ready. It doesn't matter if it's next year or in ten years or maybe never. But can I be the one who's gonna be by your side forever?"
He looked at me with puppy eyes.
That's so unfair!
"Will you wait for me even when we're old?"
"I will."
"That's what you're saying now."
"I will, Ren. I will wait for you till the day I die."
He grabbed my hands, squeezing them.
"But..."I began.
"Hm?" He looked at me nervously.
"You have no ring?" I continued.
A smile appeared on his face. He sighed in relief.
"I will get you the prettiest one! You just have to say yes."
"And I can chose the wedding date?"
He nodded.
"And you're not complaining even if it's in twenty years?"
He nodded again.
I sighed.
"REALLY?!" He shouted happily and hugged me.
"If you're trying to kill me there will be no wedding!" I said, as he was suffocating me in his hug.
He let go of me.
"I'm sorry."
I smiled before I said,
"but how will you gonna wait till the wedding if you can barely hold yourself back now?"
His smile dropped.
"I remind you, it was you who said no intimacy before the wedding." I smirked.
"I w-was saying that as a joke.." he laughed nervously.
"Oh look, it's snowing!" I ignored him and pointed out. "Ren, we're not waiting for it that long, are we?" He asked me, as I stood up to go to the window.
"And we just talked about snow just a minute ago, what a coincidence!"
I still ignored him.
This will be such a fun!



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