Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Two Babies

"-And then-all of sudden-your mother came out of nowhere and helped me. She's a real savage. We're so lucky to have her."
Ren chuckled at her husband, who was telling old stories to their unborn baby so excitedly.
She was going through his hair, while he was laying down on her lap with his hand around her belly.
"That's enough... it's late, we should go to sleep." She said causing him to pout.
"A little bit longer."
"I'm sleepy and you have to go to work early."
She reminded him.
Zuko was going early in the morning to work, so that he could come earlier back to Ren like he promised to be by her side most of the time.
He was going around five in the morning and came back at twelve.
Zuko gave in and took her in his embrace, as he laid down beside her.
"Good night, my heart." He kissed her head and rest his chin on it.

It was late.
Ren couldn't open her eyes because she was so sleepy, as she felt how Zuko was getting up from the bed.
It must be five, she thought.
She didn't disturb her sleep and turned around cuddling the pillow next to her.
"Love you."
She heard Zuko whispering, as he kissed her forehead.
"Mhm..luv u.." she just mumbled back causing him to chuckle.
After Zuko left for work, Ren woke up two hours later with a little pain. She didn't give much thoughts about it.
Ren stretched her arms before she stood up from the bed.
"Lady Ren?"
A maid knocked on the door.
As usual at this time, they were bringing her breakfast.
"Come in!"
The door opened and three maids came to bring her breakfast.
They also began to clean the room, while talking to Ren.
"I'm sure she will be beautiful as you!"
One maid said referring to the baby.
"Lady Ren, did you already thought about a name?"
Another one asked.
"You can't just ask that!"
The other one scolded her.
But Ren just chuckled.
She loved how they talked to her.
"Do you girls have some ideas for us?"
"Oh my!" They stood around her now.
"I thought Hira would be great!"
The other one stood silent.
"What about you?"
"I think I-Izumi sounds nice.."
Ren smiled at her softly.
"Izumi.. I like it."
A smile appeared on the maids face.
Ren nodded but frowned as she felt the little pain again.
"Lady Ren! Are you alright?!"
The maids began to panic.
"I'm okay.."
She laughed lightly to calm them down.
"Should we call a doctor?"
"No, that's happening all the time. It's normal, something like practice labor pains. You don't have to worry." She explained to them.
They felt relieved and left the room to let her rest more.
"Why are you so grumpy today?"
Ren talked to her daughter, as she felt another pain.
"Like father, like daughter."
She rolled her eyes.
There were still two hours left before Zuko would return back from work so Ren left the room to go outside.
It was hard to walk with her big belly.
"Ren, why are you not in your room?"
She heard a familiar voice nagging.
As she turned around she saw Uncle Iroh approaching her.
"It feels awful to be in that room all the time! It's like a cage!"
"Zuko will be mad if he sees you outside."
She sighed.
"You're going to tell on me?"
"No, of course not!"
He gave her a big smile.
"Just be careful."
"I am!"
"And you're feeling fine?"
He asked her.
She nodded.
"Don't go alone."
Uncle Iroh called a guard.
"Don't leave her side."
The guard immediately nodded.
"It's for your own good."
Uncle Iroh shrugged his shoulders and left her with a big smile like always.
Ren touched her belly in pain again.
"Lady Ren?!"
The guard immediately helped her to stand.
"It's nothing. I'm just stressed."
"Should I inform lord Zuko?"
Ren shouted.
"It's fine."
Her mood felt low and she didn't want to be outside anymore.
"I'm going back to my room."
The guard helped her to her room.
"I'll wait outside."
He said before he left her alone.
She sighed.
The place where I really can be alone seems to be like my room after all, she thought as she let her fall on the bed.
The pain was getting stronger and stronger, she didn't even realize that she was sweating like hell.
"Ren, I'm back."
Zukos voice sounded in the room.
"How was your-"
He stopped, as he saw the situation.
Ren was crawled up in the bed, holding the blanket tight in pain as she was trying to breath normally.
"Ren!" He shouted and ran to her immediately.
"W-what's wrong?"
Zuko caressed her face, looking at her worriedly but she couldn't give him an answer.
"Call a doctor!" He shouted to the guard, who was still at the door.
"Hey, my love. Look at me. Everything is going to be okay.."
He said softly while caressing her cheek.
"I-I'm not ready." Was the first thing Ren said with tears in her eyes.
"It's okay.. I'm with you."
Zuko took her hand.
"You're the strongest woman I ever know,  my love."
"Don't go.."
She said holding his hand tightly in fear that he would let go.
Hours passed. A cry was echoing in the rooms
It felt like a whole day for Ren, as she finally laid down relieved on the bed.
"You did great."
Zuko patted her hair and kissed her on her forehead.
Ren just nodded with closed eyes.
"mommy's tired.."
"Izumi." She completed Zukos sentence.
"Mommy is tired Izumi."
He said with a smile, while holding their baby in his arms.
"She is so beautiful.."
He whispered as he adored the little girl.
Ren finally opened her eyes.
She looked at the baby on her husbands arms, reaching out for her.
Zuko gave her Izumi with tears in his eyes.
"Are you crying?"
Ren asked staggered, as she took the baby.
He sobbed and sat beside her.
Ren played with Izumis little fingers.
"She looks like you." She said to him.
Zuko began to cry even more now, causing her to regret what she said.
Izumi also began to cry as her father didn't stop crying.
Ren sighed frustratedly.
"Two babies. I have two babies."

Next chapter will be the epilogue!

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