Name(s): Redkit, Redpaw, Redflower
Parents: Stormfoot, and Gingertail
Sibling(s): Stonekit, Sandkit
Clan: Riverclan, Thunderclan, Shadowclan
Rank: Newborn
Best friend: None yet
Mate: None yet
Kits: None yet
Other: Her father, Stormfoot was a Riverclan warrior who fell in love with Gingertail (paw at the time), a Thunderclan cat. No more than a moon after her warrior ceremony, did she become pregnant with his kits. Ashamed of having half-clan kits, and not wanting to stay and fish in Riverclan, she fled to Shadowclan. Jaystorm took pity on her, and agreed to help her. Two of the litter died in birth, and only Redflower survived. After this, Jaystorm fell extremely ill and passed away, Stormfoot had drowned, and Gingertail was left to live with the sorrowful regret.
Redflower never found out about this, and she is much like Squirrelflight, her great, aunt (Gingertail was daughter of Lionblaze and Cinderheart.)