Name(s): Nettlekit, Nettlepaw, Nettleflower
Parents: Sunpelt, Duskfall
Sibling(s): Darkheart, Nettleflower, Jayfur, Berryclaw
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Kit
Best friend: All siblings
Mate: None yet
Kits: None yet
Other: In the future she becomes Ratclaws mate, but has no kits. She usually just helps out in the nursery rather than warrior duties. She is not a great hunter or fighter, but she is excellent with kits. She is sweet and naive as well as funny. Ratclaw, however, is quite the opposite. He is much like Tigerstar, and pretends to love Nettleflower because Mapleshine is bates with Brackenheart.