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The knife landed, only centimeters away from you. You looked at the knife and then up to see all the guys looking at you- fear, worry, and relief washing over their faces.

Bokuto hovered over your mom's sprawled out form. He looked PISSED.

Your mom started getting up, then saw all the guys and glared at you. "YOU FUCKING WHORE! YOUVE BEEN SLEEPING WITH ALL THESE BOYS?! DO YOU LIKE IT?! YOU LIKE WHORING YOURSELF FOR ALL THESE BOYS?! HUH?!"

You started shaking violently, unable to hold your tears in. This was the last thing you wanted all of these people to see. You were so pathetic in this moment, you were being called a whore in front of people you wanted to be friends with. What kind of image do they have of you now?

"Shut the fuck up." Bokuto kicked her, knocking her back down. "Y/n is the sweetest, most innocent person I've ever met. She would never sleep with anyone, not in the way you're accusing her of doing. She's never been in a relationship, never even thought about it. She focuses on school, and her life at home, her fucking future that you wanna take from her! SHE PUT HERSELF IN A HOSPITAL TRYING TO KILL HERSELF BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID TO HER YOU REALLY FUCKED HER UP AND SHE MIGHT NEVER BE NORMAL! ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOURSELF?! DID YOU GET WHAT YOU WANTED?! SHE MAY BE PHYSICALLY ALIVE, BUT YOUR DAUGHTER IS COMPLETELY DEAD INSIDE BECAUSE OF YOU!"

You and Bokuto were the only ones that had no shock in you at all. Everyone else, even your mom and Akaashi, were frozen- completely shocked by what Bokuto was saying. He was the only one, other than you and your dad, that knew everything about you- what had done to yourself because of your mom. He took care of you, and hated how you turned out because of the bitch he just kicked twice and yelled at.


He quickly turned to face you, softening his gaze- a more sad look in his eyes. "It's gonna be ok."

Inside your head... snap!

What happened to make you do it?
What drove you to this?
Didn't seeing them change how you were feeling?
You wanted to live for them... right?
Or was that because you didn't want to die by someone else's hands?

The shock on everyone's faces, even your mother, at what you had just done.
Was that really the last thing you were gonna see?


'That voice...'
You looked to see who rushed to you.
'He looks familiar... my heart's beating really fast... he's warm. Is he crying...?'

Shirabu cried as you lost consciousness in his arms. He couldn't believe that you'd grab the knife and stab your own stomach. He thought he could stop you from dying.

He regretted this. He was too late... you lost the will to live completely. His new biggest mistake: not confessing, not talking sooner. He wished he called out your name before you did it. But he relaxed as he realized your heart was still beating, that you were still breathing. There was hope. Maybe not a lot, but it was there.

He pulled you closer to him, being careful to not touch or move the knife. 'She needs to get to a hospital. Surgery is the only safe way to get it out without losing her. I can't lose her... not like this...'

More people came into the house- cops. They arrested your mother, then turned to the crying boy holding you in his arms. They called for an ambulance and within an hour, you were in surgery at the nearest hospital.
Everyone sat outside the operating room, your dad sitting beside Bokuto. Akaashi was still shocked, but was attempting comfort the two males beside him while they worried and began grieving.

Shirabu was surrounded by his entire team. He stayed silent, still having tears flow down his face. He didn't look at anyone- all he looked at were his hands, his hands that had your blood on them. He refused to wash it off, and wouldn't let anyone touch him to check him or clean him up. He couldn't let your blood get washed off. It was yours. And that's what he wanted, he wanted any part of you close to him. He felt like he was losing himself- all because he could be losing you. If you died, he'd only have your blood on his hands and his finally memory of you would be such a sad, tragic, and terrible one.

The other Shiratorizawa boys went towards the others, the non-grieving ones. Only Bokuto, Akaashi, Shirabu, and your dad were grieving you- they knew you best.

Semi sighed. "He's in shock... I mean, I think. I'm no nurse or doctor, but it seems like that's what it is."

The others nodded. Kenma was the first to speak. "Well, think of it this way: the person you've fallen in love with was gettin abused and degraded in front of you, then drove a knife into the their stomach. Wouldn't you feel the exact same?" He pointed to the other three. "Your child is in the hospital dying because your spouse treated them terribly and your child drove a knife into their stomach. Your childhood best friend who you've known to have all sorts of mental issues just had to deal with the worst shit yet and stabbed themselves in an attempt to end their suffering. Someone you helped once you found out about their issues and situation was just getting terrorized by an abusive parent- the first time you've actually witnessed it, including the self-harming behaviors. That's how they feel. Put yourselves in their shoes for a moment. This is a normal and reasonable reaction. We can't understand their pain as well since we either didn't know her at all, or barely even knew her other than what's on the surface- what she chose to show. Even though I knew all about her anxiety from the moment I met her in person, I still can't say I deserve to grieve like them. She and I weren't close in that sense. But I understand how they feel, it's normal. They just need time and space... they need comfort... they need for Y/n to be alright in the end. They'll all totally break if she were to die at any given moment."

He looked down, not wanting to even think about saying more. The others stood quietly, partially surprised that Kenma would say all that- that he knew what to say and how the others felt. The large group sat down, leaving plenty of space between them.

How did things get to this point?
Will they get better?
What will happen with you...?

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