Middle of the Night

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A/n: Warning- depressive episode and suicidal thoughts/actions

You felt sick. You didn't drink often, but you drank a lot because of this party. You walked out of your room at the Bokuto house and walked downstairs to the kitchen. It was the middle of the night, but you couldn't sleep.

Your mind kept thinking back to the basement- not the good things that happened tonight in the basement, all your thoughts wandered to your mother abusing you in your own basement at home. Everything she ever said to you started racing in your mind. Your head began pounding and tears fell from your eyes.

You grabbed your head, wanting the pain and thoughts to go away. "Stop... please." You whispered. You moved so quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up. You walked into the kitchen and went straight for the knife drawer, grabbing a sharp knife out.

"I hate this... I should've died. I can't live anymore... I can't keep living like this..."

Before you knew it, the knife had already slit each wrist five times. And that's when you snapped back to reality.

A/N: I so desperately wanted to make a reference to that one Eminem song and had to control myself so it wouldn't ruin the mood of the story. Anywho... pls continue cuz author-chan is becoming very self-conscious of everything she does!

You screamed, dropping the knife on the ground. You fell to your knees, crying and shaking uncontrollably. You hadn't wanted to actually hurt yourself, but your horrible memories came to haunt you at the worst possible moments.

Footsteps came running to the kitchen- everyone had run into the kitchen. Shirabu, Bokuto, and Akaashi were the first to step in, freezing when they saw you bleeding on the ground with a knife just slightly away from you. Akaashi rushed to throw the knife in the sink (like he seriously just grabbed it and threw it into the sink).

He knelt down beside you, staying a few inches away. "Y/n?"

You didn't respond. You just cried while staring at your bleeding arms. It terrified you, just seeing the sight of blood was enough to paralyze you. You kept bleeding out, no one did anything. Then, you felt all the energy leave your body as you passed out, falling face first onto the floor... your arms still bleeding out.

That's when Shirabu moved, hurrying to your side, his hand on your wrist in an attempt to feel your pulse- which was still there (I'm not killing you off yet).

"Y/n! Wake up! You're gonna be alright! Please, just get up!" He pleaded, tears falling down his face.

Bokuto slowly moved over to your body, collapsing to his knees. He grabbed your body and cradled you in his arms. Tears streamed down his face as he looked at you.
"No... you can't do this to me.... Please, Y/n... don't die."

He felt his heart clench at the thought of you leaving forever. He held you tighter, praying that you wouldn't die.

Luckily, Kiyoko, Yachi, and Kenma were in the right state of mind. They grabbed a first-aid kit and grabbed your arms, cleaning them and wrapping them with bandages. You hadn't cut too deep, so this would be fine for now.

Bokuto pulled you closer to his chest, crying harder. "Y/n... I love you..."

Those three words were enough to make everyone freeze. No one knew he felt this way about you, even though Akaashi had a slight feeling about it. Shirabu felt his heart ache. He had never expected that your closest friend would be in love with you, and this fact made Shirabu think he had no chance with you anymore.

Bokuto held you as close to him as he could, sobbing uncontrollably and praying you'd stay alive.

Unbeknownst to everyone, you were only unconscious. You weren't gonna die. And even though you weren't conscious, you heard that confession. You couldn't tell who exactly said it, but in your mind you had seen a blurry face and heard a voice say "Y/n... I love you..."

Akaashi sighed, getting up off the floor and cleaning the blood up. "Bokuto-san... why don't you take Y/n to bed? She should be comfortable till she wakes up... right?"

Bokuto nodded. "Yeah." He got up, still holding onto you very tightly and walked up to him room. Once inside the room, he closed the door and laid you on the bed, curling up right next to you. He refused to let go of you that entire night.

Everyone went back to their respective rooms- except for Shirabu and Akaashi. Shirabu stayed in the kitchen and continued to bawl his eyes out, his heart aching at the thought of having lost you before actually being able to tell you how he felt. Akaashi had holed himself up in the basement, finally allowing himself to break down. The person he was in love with had just confessed to behind in love with his childhood best friend. Akaashi felt the pain in his chest. Even though he knew you had been rooting for him and Bokuto to become a couple, he found out that it was all for nothing and he lost hope of ever winning the heart of his ace.

Both heartbroken boys cried until they passed out on the floor of the rooms they had been crying in. Both were in pain, and couldn't control their emotions, couldn't hide anything anymore. Their hearts hurt, worse than anything they've ever felt before. Within a single second, Bokuto caused two people pain that he himself hadn't even thought about till now- till you had started getting closer to Shirabu.

Bokuto never thought of you ever falling for someone other than himself. But he felt threatened when you and Shirabu met and started getting closer- realizing you two had some personality traits in common. Without knowing what to do, Bokuto found himself thinking that he was losing you- you were slipping from the grasp he'd always had on you. It hurt him more than anything to think about how you'd only refer to him as a friend, how you'd only thought of him as a best friend. He thought of you as a lover- as his future wife.

This thought of losing him drove him crazy. And it definitely didn't help that you've almost killed yourself so many times that he's had to witness. Bokuto wanted to take care of you, wanted you to get better. But you never did... and he felt hopeless cuz he couldn't do a single thing to help you...

You were unaware of the pain everyone around you was currently experiencing. You didn't know how Bokuto or Shirabu felt about you. And you definitely didn't know that Akaashi- the one that's helped you, raised you, and supported you throughout the years since you two met- just had his heartbroken after Bokuto revealed his true feelings.

The morning had a lot in store for everyone. So many things needed to be learned and explained. And relationships are going to change.

"What happens when you love the person, or people, that you love most?"

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