Morning: Pain and Heartache

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You woke up, feeling weak... there was a pain in your arms. You tried to move, but couldn't- something larger than you was holding you, keeping you close. It was warm, but you wanted to get up and eat something, maybe get cleaned up too.

The events of last night flashed through your head and you tensed, your anxiety going up. Instinctively, you curled into the thing closest to you- which ended up being Bokuto.

The scent of this large, warm thing was familiar to you. But in your sleepy, weak-minded state, you couldn't quiet place it. That was until you saw the face of the now awake Bokuto Kotaro.

"Morning, Y/n." He smiled, speaking with a lower voice- his morning voice.

"Ko..." You looked at the boy, confused as to how you ended up in his bed. "Why are we in your bed?"

He frowned slightly. "You cut yourself last night and passed out in the kitchen. So, I carried you up here and cuddled with you all night."

You looked closely at him, seeing his red eyes. "Have you... were you crying last night?" Your voice was barely louder than a whisper.

Bokuto sighed, pulling you closer and holding you tighter. "Yeah. I was so scared that you were gonna die..."

You wiggled out of his grasp, carefully standing on the floor. "I'm sorry..."

He sat up, a frown plastered on his face. "Why'd you get out of bed?"

"Let's get something to eat, ok? I want some tea or coffee. And I think I need something to eat."

He nodded, getting out of his bed. "Ok, let's make something together!" He grabbed your hand and walked with you down to the kitchen.

"You're not gonna burn the house down, right?"

He pouted. "I have you so I won't."

You gasped when you reached the kitchen. "OH MY GOD! KENJI?!" You freaked out when you saw the boy's body on the floor, letting go of Bokuto's hand and rushing to Shirabu instead.

Shirabu slowly woke up, immediately looking at your face with his red and puffy eyes. "Y/n?"

"Have you been crying too?! Oh my god... are you ok?! Why did you sleep on the kitchen floor?! You should've gone to sleep in a proper bed!" You carefully traced the under parts of his eyes with your thumbs, holding his face in both hands. Worry filled you when you saw him like this.

He didn't look you in the eyes. "I was in shock when I saw you bleeding last night. I cried and passed out here without moving an inch."

You pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Kenji! I didn't mean to worry you, or anyone else! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" You felt tears building in your eyes, feeling terrible for what you thought had happened.

Everyone else had woken up and moved into the kitchen, watching as you held Shirabu in your arms while he kept an emotionless expression on his face.

"Everything ok?" Kita had asked.

Bokuto answered. "She's feeling bad about last night. Shirabu had slept on the kitchen floor all night."

It was obvious that Bokuto hadn't said the full truth. Everyone could see Shirabu's eyes and knew what happened- that he cried all night after Bokuto confessed his feelings.

You squeezed Shirabu, becoming even more worried that he wasn't responding. "Kenji...?"

He pushed you away and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom." He mumbled before leaving the kitchen and putting space between the two of you.

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