a friendly favor | two

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So, perhaps another thing you hadn't thought of when you'd offered to be Danny's fake girlfriend for the weekend was just how awkward it would be.

You hadn't thought about the fact that all of these people, including his ex-girlfriend herself, were apparently all very close. They'd been friends for years, and the ex-girlfriend was apparently a childhood friend of Danny's best friends' sister. Their bonds ran deep through years of time spent together, a sort of bond you had with none of them.

All of that was to say, you were pretty sure they were all a little on the fence about you. They were welcoming, and kind, and they treated you with respect, but it was obvious to you that they viewed you as an outsider. Conversation was kept light and surface level, and you could easily see the way the guys all seemed to drift away from you and toward one another.

Holland hadn't even arrived yet, and you were curious to see how things would fracture once she did.

Sam, Danny's best friend as he'd mentioned, had been the one to let you both inside. He was a rather gorgeous guy, with flowing waves of brown hair and brown eyes that lit up at the sight of Daniel, and he'd been quick to clap his arms around him in a rather dramatic bro-hug of sorts. "Thank fuck you're here," he cheered, "I'm about to lose my mind with those assholes. They've been fighting over the loft for two hours now."

You'd furrowed your brows in confusion, but Danny had just laughed and said, "I'm on it. Can you help (Y/N) take our stuff to the basement room?" With that, he'd dropped his suitcases and pressed a kiss to your cheek that made you freeze in shock, before stalking past Sam and disappearing into the large, cabin-esque house.

Sam and you had merely stared at each other for a few moments, you awkwardly trying to decide how to proceed, and you could see him studying you curiously. "So, how long have you and Danny known each other?" he finally asked, picking up the discarded bags and gesturing for you to follow behind him.

The way he asked had been casual, his tone light, but you could sense that it was more than just small talk. This was the start of the interrogation you were sure to receive throughout your entire stay, and you had to mentally prepare yourself to always be ready. His friends were surely going to scope you out as best as they could, sniffing around you for red flags in an attempt to protect two of their good friends.

You weren't fooled into thinking that it was all about Danny, you knew it was also about Holland.

"We met a little over six months ago," you revealed, "I'd just moved into the building and we bumped into each other in the hallway. We're neighbors, actually."

Sam hummed, stopping suddenly to pull open a door just past the kitchen that revealed a narrow flight of stairs heading downward. "When did you guys start dating?" he asked next, flicking the lights on with a switch just inside the door and quickly making his way down them.

This was something you and Danny had discussed, thankfully. Together, the two of you had laid out some strategic groundwork for your backstory so as to avoid potential conflict between yourselves and everyone else. You followed him closely, being diligent to not trip as you replied, "Only about two weeks. I invited him over for dinner one night, and it just kinda happened."

The basement was one large open room, split up into little sections with two doors on the farthest wall from the stairs. In the open space there was a bar, fully stocked you noticed, and a scattering of various games. There was a pool table, a few dartboards on the walls, a ping-pong table, and even a foosball table. Beside the rickety staircase were a few leather couches around a wall-mounted television, and a glance at the ceiling revealed a pull-down screen for projectors.

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