a friendly favor | four

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You barely had ten minutes to yourself before the bedroom door was bursting open, the loud bang against the wall and the rattle of the hinges causing you to shriek in terror as you rushed to cover yourself. Your chest was bare, the ratty t-shirt you'd been lifting to loop over your head now clutched to your body as a shield for your modesty. Danny wasn't phased, clumsily catching the doorknob in his hands and closing it with a wild look in his eyes.

"Danny, what the hell–"

He didn't give you a chance to finish your exclamation of surprise, crossing the small room with two wide steps before yanking your body into his and pushing his lips to yours just as frantically as he had against the table. It would have been nice to say you froze, hesitant to continue playing with fire so recklessly like you had, but you didn't. You relaxed into his touch just as easily as you had the first time, kissing him back eagerly and relenting to his command for control.

His lips were bruising in their fervor, prying your own mouth open mercilessly as he tasted you with a groan. It was desperate, teetering just over the ledge of becoming feral, and you loved it. For a man who always seemed to be so gentle, so sweet in nature, he bit your lip like he wanted to hear the muffled whimper of pain you let out. If his hum of appreciation told you anything, he did. He wanted to hear it.

Large palms smoothed up your spine, drawing his touch across every inch of your bare back before they settled between your shoulder blades and flexed into your flesh. His nails bit into your skin, clawing just enough to sting and make you gasp, but it was enough to have you dropping your shirt in favor of clutching his shoulders like a lifeline. You needed him to hold you steady, to keep you from falling to the floor in a limp mess.

You were panting, breathless and wide-eyed, when he finally gave you a chance to breathe and pulled his lips away from your own fractionally. It was only enough space to look into your eyes, his jaw set in determination and a fiery glare overtaking his features as he spoke, "I'm not going outside. You can tell me to stop right now if you really don't want to continue, but I'm not leaving. I want to be with you."

Swallowing thickly, your lips were wobbling as you whispered, "I don't want to stop."

The more rational side of you knew that you should have stopped it. You should have stopped and discussed what exactly it was that the two of you were doing, what exactly it meant in the grand scheme of things. Because, truthfully, you had no idea. Was this simply a need to find his release, after how riled up the two of you had gotten? Did it mean anything at all?

Stopping was the last thing on your mind, though. Your thoughts were consumed with his lips, with his taste, with him. All you could focus on was the arch of his cupid's bow and the irresistible way his lips had grown plush and plump with all of the friction. You wanted more.

Danny wasn't wasting any time thinking rationally, either. His lashes fluttered as he took in a shaky breath, and his kiss was less frantic and needier this time around. He let his hands wander yet again, one dragging down to rest firmly against the small of your back, and the other tangling his fingers into the finer hair at the base of your skull.

It was a little pathetic how his hands alone could have you trembling, but they made your entire body quake. The way his fingers dug into the plush skin just above your ass, gripping and clawing there like he was trying to grab a fist full of you, it made you weak. The way his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, fingers spanning the width of it and curling around the sides just tight enough to make you eager for more.

But, his lips–his lips were the real killer. He sighed into you the moment you opened up to him again, and it was like the first breath after breaking the surface of the water. You moaned when he dragged your lower lip between his teeth, sucking it between his own and releasing you harshly.

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